Shurlock Ventriloquist

Oddly enough, this miasma has really made me think deeply about some of these issues people have been discussing and my previously held positions may be eroding/evolving.

Should we also be upset at the Oberyn Martel story arc that saw him go to King's Landing to avenge the (offscreen) rape of his sister?

Ok. Sincere thanks for that explanation.

I reply again to state that I believe this perspective you share is the exact attitude that scares people like myself and others.

Getting 'consent' though means of intimidation, psychological torture, and invoking fear in people is not consent.

Ok, so the dude lacks tact and diplomacy. I got that.

Manipulating people to say 'yes' through intimidation and fear is the same as them saying 'no.'

Top 10 names for Bork's Beard:

Cersei is one of the people doing the dumbest things on the show.

They definitely lampshading it.

Nah. Just a reductionist.

I suspect we may jump right back into that scene and that will happen. As it stands, we really did not see the act itself, only the lead up, so perhaps the other shoe can still drop.

There have been far more egregious acts committed to other people than what just happened to Sansa.

Its been established it is common for people to watch to make certain the marriage was consumated.

By far the most egregious offense. Second would be what has been done to Theon. I find the throat slitting of innocent northern villagers and what the Thenns did to be pretrty vicious as well.

Bless your heart.

There were more than eight seasons?

How much does it cost to run an ad like this?

Clearly manipulated.
