Shurlock Ventriloquist

Its not the money.

Congrats on discovering the concept of color palettes.

Tunnel king is claustrophobic.
Forger is blind.

I'm still here, ya bastards.

Joan ain't coming back from the dead to fuck you.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Yes well where were you when some of us were saying it 20 years ago?

Despite her 'legendary' status I stopped laughing at her shtick once she became a grotesque.

Dick Nixon

When these guys masturbate each other to sleep each night its not gay because neither one is playing the role of submissive female.

Nothing but upside here.

The Netflix AD revival is evidence enough to leave this one alone.

Fitting as the show has run its course and very few of us last more than five years at community college.

Conspiritards & The Ignoratti.

It was an inherently terrible idea.

You do know you can actually just watch and enjoy a show without discussing it?

It's not Louie's fault that he was born after all this stuff had already been done and explored and I give him props for trying to spin it all again from a different angle.

Parks is not very subversive and is rather network friendly fare.

Subtle brilliance in this episode.

Junkies seeking a fix.