Shurlock Ventriloquist

Office Space Reboot Redux Part II Revisted

Ding Bell rings no more.

Don't count out Eli Wallach.

This list is bad and you should feel bad.

For replacement I hope they go young up and coming nobody that doesn't feel the compulsion to keep recreating the same format.

Top 10 Names for Bork's Beard.

Dave was anti-funny and meta long before it became standard fare.

I hope I get to hang around something as fun for too long.


Well. I guess we can close the file on that one.

The story is ludicrous.

Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here.


Looks almost as painful as my visit to the endodontist this morning but at least there I walked out with some synthetic opium to make up for the torture.

Never go full retread.

Cue Nelson Muntz

needs more cursing

we want information … information … IN FORMATION

sure and new history written of the us presidents should stop covering lincoln and roosevelt as a rule

television may have been funnier when we had to walk around sex issues … it was certainly more creative for us writers to keep finding new ways to talk about fucking without saying it directly