The Ghost of ASAC Schrader

But that's the point. The story ends at the moment it ends. Everyone, Vince and the writers included, have their opinions on what happens after Felina. Since it's entirely hypothetical, they're all pretty much equally valid.

nvm double post

I need to throw something out there for the "Walt won" crowd of Felina detractors that never comes up.

I hope they make it into a comic book adaptation in 4 panels.

I hope they throw in some gallows humor.

Come on guys. Let's shift gears.

You rang?


Hey, I used to live in New Mexico. USED TO. I've got a great story you can write. It's an epic crime saga about a drug kingpin.

My name is ASAC Schrader. And you can go fuck yourself.

I can't believe you cried when I died. Pussy.

Some super nerd down at Starbucks just told me lightsabers are powered by minerals. Blew my goddamn mind.

MINERALS. I collect minerals.

CHEETOS not fritos. CH sound.


Hey! Shawn Ryan!

Ghosts of fictional characters? That's the most ridiculous goddamn thing I've ever heard of.

I don't MAKE anything. Meth is MADE. Minerals are collected. Collected and categorized.

Tribute? TRIBUTE? To this asshole?

After I got shot, I woke up surrounded by nothing but purple. I said, "Am I alive? Am I home?" And Satan appeared as Jesse Pinkman and said, "NO! WELCOME TO THE SEVENTH CIRCLE OF HELL! Should've stuck to taggin' trees BITCH!"