worst Dead lyrics evah
worst Dead lyrics evah
"hear one National song, you've heard 'em all.
this actually happened to us last year: no cable and no internet at home for 6 months.
that's really their name?
it would be tough to have a comedy set in a DC newsroom that ages well. the whole point of putting a show in DC is to do timely political commentary; and if it's a comedy most of the jokes are guaranteed to have a half-life of a few weeks, tops.
Qualye had looked dumb since at least the day Lloyd Bensten kicked his ass with that "Jack Kennedy" line. that TV character was just piling on.
i was 22
well of course a show made in 1992 and set in a DC political gossip magazine news room would be all about quick, context-free political name-dropping and allusions. it was the Dennis Miller era, after all.
my only friends
are on my computer
It's not just that they don't have power, it's that the embedded sexism
is never addressed, it's that the gender imbalance is never addressed,
and it's that the women are never humanized.
He held "a gun" in his hand.
This is a dangerous place.
it's actually a mispronunciation of "mistake".
thanks for axing.
dope smoking moron, don't make me yawn
there are copies of LIB for sale on Amazon. though they're not the best quality, from what i could tell from reviews.
same tape i've had for years
love it. yeah, that song is fantastically quotable.
you forgot "Jazz On A Summer's Day" !
nope, 1955
yeah, he made it impossible to ignore the fact that he's doing the same character over and over and over
American Pie Rats In The Care Of Bees