Old Nehamkin

Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that premiered on September 17, 2009 on NBC. The series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and

Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that premiered on September 17, 2009 on NBC. The series follows a group of students at a community college in the fictional locale of Greendale, Colorado. The series heavily uses meta-humor and pop culture references, often parodying film and

It varies from person to person here, I think, but I've always said "Zee".

It varies from person to person here, I think, but I've always said "Zee".

I think how it works is that the writing credit goes to the writers who wrote the initial draft, but that each script ends up being rewritten multiple times by the whole writing team (of which I'm pretty sure Iannucci's still the head), and he will have been heavily involved in the actual plotting out of the series.

I think how it works is that the writing credit goes to the writers who wrote the initial draft, but that each script ends up being rewritten multiple times by the whole writing team (of which I'm pretty sure Iannucci's still the head), and he will have been heavily involved in the actual plotting out of the series.

There's actually seven.

There's actually seven.

I know that he's not directing most of the episodes this year (although he is directing next week's hour-long special) but he still seems to be taking a hands-on role in overseeing everything. From his twitter: " I was as all over scripts, rehearsals, shoots and edits as ever. different directors but with myself and

I know that he's not directing most of the episodes this year (although he is directing next week's hour-long special) but he still seems to be taking a hands-on role in overseeing everything. From his twitter: " I was as all over scripts, rehearsals, shoots and edits as ever. different directors but with myself and

In which the heroic Smaug the dragon protects the masses of treasure that are rightfully his from a band of parasitic, diminutive socialists scheming to reclaim it and divide it equally amongst themselves.

In which the heroic Smaug the dragon protects the masses of treasure that are rightfully his from a band of parasitic, diminutive socialists scheming to reclaim it and divide it equally amongst themselves.

(a) When he sold his strip to United Features as a struggling cartoonist in 1950 he presumably didn't have that much leverage to demand control over merchandising.
(b) While he didn't really care about merchandise featuring the characters he was always very active in supervising and approving actual adaptations of his

(a) When he sold his strip to United Features as a struggling cartoonist in 1950 he presumably didn't have that much leverage to demand control over merchandising.
(b) While he didn't really care about merchandise featuring the characters he was always very active in supervising and approving actual adaptations of his

"The funny thing about this is that many TV journalists—including this one—assumed something like this might happen from the moment NBC announced it was going to force Whitney and Communityto share an hour"

"The funny thing about this is that many TV journalists—including this one—assumed something like this might happen from the moment NBC announced it was going to force Whitney and Communityto share an hour"

To be fair to Back to Earth, it was made with very little money in a very short amount of time. The original plan was to just have the cast do some links in character to introduce old episodes for an anniversary theme night. Then they decided that they might as well do something new, which was originally planned and

To be fair to Back to Earth, it was made with very little money in a very short amount of time. The original plan was to just have the cast do some links in character to introduce old episodes for an anniversary theme night. Then they decided that they might as well do something new, which was originally planned and

I'm laughing already!

I'm laughing already!