
Dude's ignoring everyone who provides examples. Basically has his fingers in his ears, wandering around, going "I still don't hear any examples!"

Really, AV Club? You're going to snark at a Jewish guy for not wanting to play an obvious Nazi analogue? Gross.

I can't believe no one said Iain Banks' Culture. Like, look, it is far from the most interesting or dramatic of fictional cultures (all the drama in the novels usually comes from outside it), but it is an actual utopia (and most of the things that provide good drama for stories are not things you'd actually want to

Hah, my inner armchair showrunner thanks you. :-)

My main frustration with the series so far is that it hints at themes that would be really exciting to explore, but never really follows up on those hints.

Not terribly impressed with this reviewer/recapper. I can understand the typos/missing words because I know he's trying to review a lot of tv in a compressed period of time, but it's kind of frustrating that in a series that is highly concerned with how women exert power in this particular time and place, he seems to

I'll look for him! I also like the members of other species quietly slinking out of the vicinity when they realize sh*t's about to go down.

There were a lot of really great visual choices in this episode. Some of them were on-the-nose, but like the actors' scenery-chewing, they work in this context. A few off the top of my head:

Thank you for resolving that. I feel better now.

Thank you for resolving that. I feel better now.

Wow. I was super-close on giving up on the internet today, and as much as I generally love the clever snark of AV Club commenters, I expected it to be a contributing factor. Instead you've made me hate my day less.

Wow. I was super-close on giving up on the internet today, and as much as I generally love the clever snark of AV Club commenters, I expected it to be a contributing factor. Instead you've made me hate my day less.