
Sorry, I have a child and he doesn't understand relationships at his age. If the relationship is necessary to the plot, then sure, include it. This just seems to be an attempt to appease a certain group. I have no problem with gay/straight/bi/trans, whatever you are, I couldn't care less, I just know as a teacher

At the end of the day, it's a fucking superhero movie. The last thing I care about are the love lives of the superheros. Can we just focus on good stories and not trying to drown the movies in this crap.

Yes, this topic is very tiring. The movie looks like shit, plain and simple. I don't know why AVC is championing it and defending it so hard. Who cares, just another shitty remake I won't be seeing. I don't know who this Rolfe character is, but his opinion isn't relevant to me. I won't be seeing Frozen 2 with my

I would watch the hell out of that!!!!!!!!!!!!
None of these new versions of older shows looks remotely interesting.

Considering how bad Prison Break became in season 3 and 4, this is not surprising.

Man, I don't know about either of these shows. 24 was always silly, but was a fun action thrill ride. Without Keifer, a new iteration of 24 seems pointless and doesn't look all that compelling.
Prison Break was great for the first 2 season, then became a complete mess in season 3 and 4. I don't really want to

I'm excited for next week. It is upsetting that CBS is burning them off, but I have come to peace that this is the end, and I am enjoying the ride, it's almost like a mini binge each week!!!

LOl, I'm using it.

They were in a blind spot and the shooter bolted as soon as he hit his 2 targets.

He was shot in the upper torso, and I was under the impression that he wasn't dead. I would love to know how Fusco was able to save him and make it look like he was dead. I don't know if we will get that, and I am ok if we don't, but I would love to see it. Fantastic episode, and my favorite of the season so far.

I really enjoyed the Shaw episode, but this episode was great and I think i liked it more than 6741. Elias is back. The number of course tied to samaritan. Root confronting Jeff Blackwell was a great scene. Reese had some great scenes. I don't see how Truth be Told got an A- and this gets a b+. Still a good

For me, as long as Reese develops in his relationships with the others on his team, then I am not too upset with the Iris stuff. One thing I love about this show is that is doesn't waste a lot of time on love stories, even Shaw/Root stuff isn't devoted to full episodes. It just isn't what this show is about. Zoe is

if you mean fire as in, I illegally download this album, make a cd just to throw it in the trash and burn it, then yes this album is flames!!!!!!!!!

He should just quit, that would be my suggestion. He has never been good. He can join the likes of Master P, Birdman, Lil Wayne, Hammer, in the hip hop hall of shame.

Illmatic also had 4 of the best producers in the game making beats. There is absolutely no one of Dj Premier or Pete Rock's caliber on this bs. Plus Nas is light years more enjoyable to listen to then anything Drake has or will ever do. Illmatic is also a timeless classic, Drake is a overhyped pop artist. Great

I think reactions to this will be all over the board. I went to see a movie a couple weeks ago and the trailer for this came on. All I heard after the trailer was done were whispers, saying omg, this looks like shit. Not one chuckle in the trailers.
I have seen a number of youtube videos from men and women who were

I think it has more to do with it being a reboot of one of the best comedies ever. The idea for a reboot was a really bad one to begin with. Like i said, I was on board with it from the minute i heard about it and I saw the casting. The minute I heard that it was a reboot, I was very skeptical, the minute i saw the

Well, it definitely brings the attention down on the "sexist men", and diverts the attention that would otherwise be spent focused on just how bad the trailer looks. Not one funny joke, just of bunch of trying way to hard.

The reason the trailer was universally panned has more to do with the movie looking like a complete dog turd, than the cast being all female. I have always enjoyed Wiig,Mccarthy is hit or miss, the other two are average on a very mediocre SNL. When I heard the director of bridemaids and Wiig was involved my interest

BS. Angels??? Give me a break. I bet you are a card carrying member of the George Soros funded Black Lives Matter "movement". As a black man, I am more upset at our own community and not the white world as you say. We kill more of each other in a month than whites do in a year. We need more fathers, we need to