
Then don't watch, dude. It's not meant to be an accurate portrayal of events that actually happened, you know?

I think the show creators are VERY aware of the complaints from the politically correct amongst us and are so far doing a beautiful job of towing the line.

She is a VERY good actress. Though…I suppose with a man like that, acting wouldn't be terribly difficult…

Oh yeah, I'm 100% sure Jamie is in love with his brutal rapist who flogged him half to death, and nearly raped the woman he loves TWICE. Suuuure.

COMPLETELY agree. Plus, have you seen the way they flirt with each other on panels and such? There's no way they aren't completely in love with each other.

Just hope you make Murtaugh take a shower first, ortenzia! Lol

Oh I REALLY disagree about S1 BSG score, Manimal. I love the callback to the original BSG, the Adama father/son theme, the theme from the very first scene where Six kisses the guy at the human/Cylon meetup base, the Roslin theme, the theme where people come back safe from the first invasion, etc. I think the first

Same for me, and also with Vikings. Can't get into either of them, even tho they are filled with gorgeous actors and the plots are something I'd normally enjoy, can't figure it out.

Me too. He's just phenomenal.

If John Williams, who I worship, stepped into the TV arena, he would STILL not be as amazing as Bear. What Bear did on BSG was every bit as extraordinary as what Howard Shore did on the LOTR trilogy.

Bear McCreary is a GOD.

This review bothers me. I Normally love the AV Club, but it's like you're actively looking for things to be offended about. This kind of crap (the beating) actually happened in those days. It would be ridiculous if the show ignored it. The whole point of the scene was to show how barbaric men were back then,