Curly the Curmudgeon

I haven't seen any of the Twilights yet - it sortof feels like even though I would laugh, I would have also been tricked into watching Twilight.  I might have to invest in them though.

"Compromised Barbie" - like when a little brother "loses" his sister's barbie doll clothes and then leaves the doll in it's poor nude state in the middle of the living room floor.  Not decent, not sexy.  You can't *not* see it, and anyone who does feels uncomfortable.

Favorite from Starship Troopers:  "Rico, I need a Corporal.  You're it until you're dead, or I find someone better."

Also… I always thought they all still lived in Wisconsin.  They've definitely still got the accents.

They're doing an encore performance on September 17th I think.  I'm thinking aobut going since there will be no DVD to buy.  They couldn't get the rights.

How about a Rifftrax thread?  Man, I love me some Rifftrax.  I just went to their live showing of Starship Troopers this weekend - it was amazing and hilarious.

Pacific Rim 2: The Nose-Bleedening

Now I show you some treeek or twooo.

Thanks, I've been working out.

"South.  Should've gone with South."

I'll see if I can get her to write them down for me for the next TI food thread!

When I first started dating my Korean girlfriend, I was worried that Korean food and I wouldn't get along.  At first, I was right, but then for my last birthday she made me Jap Chae, and some kimchi-fried rice.  She topped it off with grilled marinaded galbi, and to this day it is the most perfect and delicious thing

Reading names is, like, really hard.

Dashboard Confessional.


I wanted to like this show, but I just don't see much of anything working.  I want to like Kat Dennings because, hey, tits… but when I look at her, I get the feeling that her parents didn't really give birth to her so much as they gathered the essence of every dead-eyed and sulking cam whore from 1996, then put that

Most of the time - you would be right.  But Undercover Brother is the exception to the Eddie Griffin Rule.  Also:  Denise Richards at her hottest.

*Pulls out samurai sword*
*Orders thread to get down on its knees*
*Decapitates thread*

*Looks at computer screen*

@Fixda - I live in San Diego. The groups you listed are exactly what our local rock station - Rock 105.3 play every day, so it doesn't sound all that different. And when it's not playing any of those bands, it plays Red Hot Chili Peppers.