
Does anyone else find Jax's dialogue sort of stilted, sentences and mannerisms that don't match what you'd actually hear a white biker gang member saying.  It's not merely due to having an English actor try to play an American, his accent is a little off, sure, but it's more with the script than Hunnam's execution.

I'm hoping that the story is progressing toward some alliance between Rayna and Juliette, like Rayna signing Juliette with her new "mature" sound.

As unfunny as the show has become over the last several seasons, any bit with Carl and Lenny still gives me a little laugh.  The Simpson family is the weak link in the show, but there's untapped comedic potential in the supporting characters.  Any way, The Simpsons' decline hasn't been as sharp as that of the animated

How about the Alaska/Russia border? Sarah Palin looks out her window to see a dead man whose lower half is missing, having been replaced with that of a moose. Plot twist: It's the 1980s and Elizabeth and Philip Jennings are dispatched to Alaska to help solve the crime.

go on…

LWS needs a universe merging with Ray Donovan, a la Fringe.  Suggested plot: Ray kills every character on LWS via defenestration.