
good write up!

That butt picture kind of looks like a close up of a rabbits face when it's that small.

I'm a huge Party Down fan and so I had real trouble with him at first too, but he's grown on me. I think crying in the bat suit was when my opinion really turned a corner, and now he's way ahead of Brandanowitz at least.

Great article and thanks for getting CharDee MacDennis in there but it should be noted that the preppies didn't challenge them to horse, our heroes designed Baseketball on the fly when the preppies mocked them for wanting to play horse. Now go get shit house drunk so you can watch this again the next day on Stars

Post an address maybe?

Isn't the majority of the entertainment that excites 40 year old men sexually staring and featuring teenage girls?

I don't have anything to say but just want to increase the number of posts on this one so the man sees how much we nerds care.

Great article! I'm really jazzed that the AV Club added this and the tv ratings section.

I'm hesitant to even step into this as it's a pretty ridiculous conversation, but something has always bothered me about WW2; all the whining Americans do about Pearl Harbor. Pretty much every major city in the world outside of North America is leveled but the thing we're never going to forget is an attack on a

Did this season even have an arc? It didn't even occur to me that this was the second to last episode until I read this review.

Yeah, that's why I always requested The Offspring's older stuff that had gone out of heavy rotation instead of their hits off of Ixnay (also awesome).

Yeah, that's really going to put a dent in the all the money they get from the legal purchase and download of their music in China.

The dao teaches us that one way or another there will be another Superman franchise reboot. If it is not this one it will be another one. If this one is good they will make sequels until it isn't, and then reboot once again. This is the cycle of Superman movie, to lament it is to lament the changing of the seasons, to

Hodor's Horn of Winter: Thanks for the advice, I bought the first book last night (kindle makes impulse buys way too easy) and have been really getting into it. Even though it seems to be almost word for word with the show it's still pretty captivating, and so I imagine going through the books won't ruin the show

books or the TV show
I got my first introduction to the George R.R. Martin through the TV show, and after an episode or two really got into it. I've been thinking about picking up the books on my kindle, but also like having surprises for the show and I'm typically not a big fantasy guy. From the perspective of folks

yeah, realized that after the fact. I'm as bad as those guys who use this forum to try and get you to buy shoes

Party Down-Good enough
Great article, I would be jazzed to see a follow up for finals after once great shows had jumped the shark, and ended with a yawn instead of the bang people were expecting in early seasons. Everyone will want to throw in their favorite show that's absent from the list, so can I get a hell yeah

I know right. If they could get invited to the prime ministers house for an afternoon then the show would have enough material for like four more seasons. "Better a womanizer than a homosexual"

lucky to live in the US?
Man you guys are right, what a shit hole. Good thing America doesn't have any arbitrary and politicized regulation systems for imposing government dictated values on the entertainment people choose to enjoy. Although I agree this is ridiculous, in reality the only people watching network TV in

Google translate is wrong, it is "just stood up" and the title is "my penis". Not very fluent though.