
"In fact, Trek has shaped a remarkable amount of my worldview—especially my ideas of social justice and equality."

A horrible choice indeed. I love Star Trek, but that episode really sucked. I think my Drama teacher just really didn't feel like teaching that day.
"Darmok" is a good episode though, and ties in very well with studying the epic of Gilgamesh.

Wow, this brought back so may childhood memories.
The Garfield Halloween Special first aired when I was 5, and I had my parents tape it so I could rewatch it over and over (which I did). I never found it all that scary as a kid—maybe just a bit creepy.

I think he says something like "I have a background in creative genetics." LOL.

Zack, your thoughtful reviews of DS9 are the highlight of my Thursday mornings. I grew up watching the show, and it's still one of my all-time favorites. Thanks!