
Guy's AIDS was written on the side of their boat during the race scene was another nice touch.

I had to pause it cause i was laughing so hard.

I hope Jesse will wind up killing Walt.

I hope Jesse will wind up killing Walt.

I liked how Roger smoked that cigarette in one drag.

Or the guy from Summer School who went to the bathroom at the beginning of the movie and showed up at the end.

Maybe, just maybe, Mike is buddy buddy with Gomey.

Tortuga is a dead man.

I thought they already had a relationship in the past.

Opening sequence is awesome.

Maybe Gemma finds out about Clay killing Piney and or other stuff, and goes all renegade and kills Clay.

Maybe it was Mescal?

i think that guy was Mr. Ellsworth from Deadwood.

" Its ok, I was high from 1987 to 2002"

I saw Smog open up for Wilco at the Auditorium Theater in Chicago and it was one of the best sets of music i have seen this decade.

Charlie to Santa: Did you fuck my fucking mom!!!

Send in Rutger Hauer as the blind swordsman. Problem solved.

You'll get nothing and like it!!!

I think that was a violation of bird law.

The cheeto hand prints on the wall was a nice touch.