andrew ryans caddy

And gay makeouts!

Just that brief glimpse in the beginning of the things she did to survive solitary (the wall art, making a schedule of the guards to keep track of time) did a lot to put me on her side.

Yeah, and one of the worst parts is just the total refusal to talk to her like a human being and tell her what's going on. I have to keep thinking, "This is just TV, right? We're not really treating people like this?" Though…yeah. We probably are.

The Darkness 2 had a surprising amount of emotional depth for a video game about a black magic mob boss.

That's okay. No one ever actually knew how to do long division.

Thanks, that makes sense. I kind of love his clever little shit approach.

Nope, no sarcasm, genuine question. I wasn't sure what part you meant. I was going by the usual understanding of it as "d o unto other as you would have them do unto you."

I did not! Can you tell me more?

I couldn't get real far in Killer7 because the load times on the PS2 were soul-sapping, but god, I love how fearlessly bizarre it is.

One great thing nobody ever tells you about Moby Dick is Ishmael loves making terrible puns.

And references to L.A. Confidential and Paul Auster and anything else Kojima happened to like, and then you can just tell that past a certain point nobody involved has slept in days. I love anything that gets all ceci n'est pas une cyborg ninja.

One of my favorite parts of The Disaster Artist is when he talks about how nobody could make Tommy Wiseau understand that that's not something a person should laugh at.

I'd like to be friends with everyone else on the planet who loves Metal Gear Solid 2 and/or the modern day storyline of Assassin's Creed. For one thing, we could all carpool.

That's slander. Everyone had a lovely time and the gift baskets were clever and whimsical.

You just made that whole song play in my head.

I can't hate Katy Perry because she has a cat named Kitty Purry. Also, in looking that up to confirm it wasn't something a weird part of my brain made up, I found out that a) there is a Katy Perry Wiki and b) it contains this wonderful line:

You leave Tam al'Thor out of this.

I just think pigs are neat.
So's salted caramel.

where I could sneak in, destroy the nuclear missile-equipped tank thing, kill my old mentor, and then get out without ever being seen.

It really is confusing when places have the same names as other ones. I say this after having just gotten back from a very nice weekend in Osaka's lovely, unfortunately named Fukushima District.