Golly what a day. I still wish Russel Crowe had played Robin Hood and the Sherrif. Wacky failure is better than formulaic in my book.
Golly what a day. I still wish Russel Crowe had played Robin Hood and the Sherrif. Wacky failure is better than formulaic in my book.
Did anyone here read Rant?
and then think that it was either a rip-off of or homage to David Cronenberg. The plot was like a mash up of 6 or 7 of his movies.
I thought people on this corner of the internet may notice/care.
I'm officially excited
This is the album that got me into rap.
Someone different than me and like 3 months.
I'm watching every movie I can think of set there so a small town hick like me doesn't get taken in by some chick claiming to be the Gatekeeper or something.
I just found out
that I'm moving to New York. Does the AV Club have a camera in my house? Plus, really, no Midnight Cowboy? No The Crowd?
I'm at 83.
I promise
This was my idea.
You missed the first like Michael Bay missed the point when he made Pearl Harbor.
Sean Bean for referencing every previous character he's played by being awesome.
What makes me feel the worst is that I used to be one of them.
Don't mean to add to the "is it pop culture" debate
but watching any college sport makes me feel so old and unaccomplished.
I'm pretty suspicious of mumblecore
but if it allowed her to get famous it's totally worth it. She's fantastic.
Last week's episode was awesome
as were many before it. Thank god Lyons isn't involved anymore.
If you tell him I will slap you. I will slap you like a bad, bad donkey, okay?
My friends and I all watched Super Size Me on cable one afternoon and immediately went out to McDonalds afterwards. I never eat at McDonalds normally and the movie grossed me out but damn if it isn't the most effective commercial I've ever seen. Or least effective. Not sure.
In my house, it still is.
We should have a designated fapping section
fap fap fap
Oh man does he ever. Dude's turned out like a baker's dozen projects in the last two years. Not that I've seen any of them, but still.
That's kind of like saying we're in the same age started by Action # 1, because comics still have super heroes. I don't think labels are perfect but they are useful in discussion. I would certainly say that comics are different now then they were when I was a kid. It's harder to see cause I've been there for the…