
I was playing kind of dumb but as dumb as you seem to think. We're 25 years removed from Watchmen and comics from the late 80's/early 90's are way different than they are now. We are past that age, we should name it. My DC trading cards from 1994 identify the Bronze age which was closer to then than "post Alan Moore"

I've never heard of a metal called Modern, Alaric. Anyway, what does post-Alan More mean? He still writes and he started writing a long time ago. I demand clarity and metallic labels!

I'm assuming that the early 90's are the adamantium age.

I'm confused.
What do we call the various ages of comics since the bronze age?

If this movie does not feature Billy Zane I will protest. To be honest, I protest every movie that doesn't feature Billy Zane.

I heard once
that he was born to a three legged bitch of a mother.

I'm just saying I'd like to get weirdly specific in describing her body.

Just for Annie.

I have the weirdest boner.

Love that. "Damn weiner" is one of my favorite modifiers.

announcement of fapping over a previous post in this thread

Why no one want make Hulk 2?
Yes I sympathized with Hulk, for I too wondered why there was such hatred for Ang Lee's Hulk. My grammar may be better, but do not our hearts both brim with love for the film? I felt for the Hulk that day.

I think Virgil liked both meanings, referring not only specifically the men who fought in the Trojan Wars and the landed on Italy but that all conflict of men throughout history was fated to lead lead to Rome. Also that through strife comes opportunity for rebuilding. And lots of other cool stuff.
I'm not saying that

Ummm, I don't mean to be a dick Clueless Neophyte but who was your Latin teacher? Virumque could be the singular accusative or plural genitive (possessive) which would be "I sing of the wars of men who…" eventually found Italy and all that noise. A lot of the beauty of Virgil's poetry is in the depth allowed by his

Sing to me oh muse of arms and a man (or was it man in general? We argued over that for the whole two years, I believe.)

I will add that I would love to see an adaptation of the Aeneid done right by HBO or Showtime. Mostly so I wouldn't feel like I wasted two years of my life reading it for AP Latin.

I came to check to see if Lolita was on this list
done and done

His newest movie may not have been as awesome but it certainly was fantastic. Eh? Eh?

We all know that Charles Bronson wished his entire life to recreate the success of Pat and Mike. His failures led to the hate driven revenge pictures of his later years.
We also all know that it takes a man of nigh Bronsonian stature to do whatever he wants to do with nary a thought of appealing to the whims of the

How dare you use the good name of Charles Bronson for evil? Early season Gilmore Girls was a brilliant show. Charlie Bronson would have known that!