
She's an add-a-character with the express purpose of MOAR TITS. I think the ways that the show has deviated from the books (I've only read the first, hence my being in the newbies thread) have been excellent so far with the exception of her. Every scene she's in is squirm-inducing, whether it's because, as a straight

Nope. She said they went… oh, god. I forgot. But they went to some event and she was WOOOOOOO!!ing too much.

Nope. She said they went… oh, god. I forgot. But they went to some event and she was WOOOOOOO!!ing too much.

I'd like to point out that Cosgrove's sci-fi work seemed every bit as good as it was purported to be, in a nice contrast to this week's inventory.

I'd like to point out that Cosgrove's sci-fi work seemed every bit as good as it was purported to be, in a nice contrast to this week's inventory.

It's silly, but what really annoyed me is that that made up a diploma and graduation photo of Hannah that read East Lansing HS, but the colors were red and white. How lazy can you get?

It's silly, but what really annoyed me is that that made up a diploma and graduation photo of Hannah that read East Lansing HS, but the colors were red and white. How lazy can you get?

I couldn't disagree more. I think Emilia Clarke is the weak link of this cast and it'd be impossible for me to stay awake through the Qarth scenes, if not for her screeching about the damn dragons every few seconds.

I couldn't disagree more. I think Emilia Clarke is the weak link of this cast and it'd be impossible for me to stay awake through the Qarth scenes, if not for her screeching about the damn dragons every few seconds.

Agreed with this assessment. I loved Cersei in this scene, being soooo pleased at herself for finally getting something right for once. I read a little of the series and just HATED Cersei so much that I couldn't even enjoy her as a villain. Lena Headey's performance has just brought so much humanity to a role where I

Agreed with this assessment. I loved Cersei in this scene, being soooo pleased at herself for finally getting something right for once. I read a little of the series and just HATED Cersei so much that I couldn't even enjoy her as a villain. Lena Headey's performance has just brought so much humanity to a role where I

Haha my official response is halfway in between. I was up there this weekend for the art fair, and there's an event every month or so that will bring in some people. If you hang mostly around Albert St or only with undergrads, yeah, it's pretty dead, but the rest of the city is pretty much the same in the summer.

Haha my official response is halfway in between. I was up there this weekend for the art fair, and there's an event every month or so that will bring in some people. If you hang mostly around Albert St or only with undergrads, yeah, it's pretty dead, but the rest of the city is pretty much the same in the summer.

Unless Mance Raydar is a Dread Pirate Roberts thing, it seems a little unrealistic that Benjen would have enough time to organize as many wildlings as I assume he's leading. He was in last season, remember? The Keanu-Reeves-looking guy.

Unless Mance Raydar is a Dread Pirate Roberts thing, it seems a little unrealistic that Benjen would have enough time to organize as many wildlings as I assume he's leading. He was in last season, remember? The Keanu-Reeves-looking guy.

Arya talked to him and Hot Pie once or twice. They went with her when she escaped.

Arya talked to him and Hot Pie once or twice. They went with her when she escaped.

Arya's gotta be 12 or 13 in the series, right? Not trying to correct you, just asking, because I don't think most of their ages have been confirmed outright. Bran is 10, Rickon is 6, and Joff is 17. This would make Sansa maybe 15? And Jon and Robb are maybe 19-20?

Arya's gotta be 12 or 13 in the series, right? Not trying to correct you, just asking, because I don't think most of their ages have been confirmed outright. Bran is 10, Rickon is 6, and Joff is 17. This would make Sansa maybe 15? And Jon and Robb are maybe 19-20?

Have they had a different actress portray Ros every time she's come on screen, or do I just hate her so much I'm constantly forgetting what she looks like?