Zach Godwin

He may have saved the planet, but I'm pretty sure 90% of the population of Metropolis was killed during Superman and Zod's rumble. Every punch seemed to result in about a half dozen buildings collapsing.

You didn't make one sword/stabbing pun in the whole article? What a missed opportunity.

I give this a 50-50 shot, at best. We're already trading in Leno for some new-fangled kid with his twitter and cordless phones, bringing along a bunch of young hooligans might be a bit too scary for the Tonight Show crowd.

The biggest thing I learned from this photo is that actors have terrible handwriting.

Didn't God realize that we couldn't handle more than one light-skinned black person with a square jaw? Why would he confuse us by making two?

Weezer is kind of like Star Wars. Everything they've done recently has been pretty bad, but the old stuff is good enough that we still love them.

It always annoys me when I hear someone over the age of 18 be like "OMG I'm like so scared of the monkies! LOLZ!" Will the next generation of attention seekers be saying "OMG those monkies are so quirky and hotttt!"

I hope you've seen Dark Knight Rises before reading this list. Although I'm apparently the only person who didn't see it coming that Marion Cotillard was bad.

So apparently only an immature, closed-minded fool would find punishment in unwilling sexual contact from a member of the sex to which they are not attracted? We get it writer, you're super-duper cool with the gays. But that doesn't mean that we should just accept all sexual contact with all humans, and anyone who

So Dave Chappelle told some joke, and Chris Rock shrieked a few "black people do stuff like this!" jokes.

Wow, this reviewer is desperate to prove his racial sensitivity. Come on man, you don't have to convince us that you think freeing the slaves was a good idea. We're all on the same page about that ordeal. He also seems to not be a big fan of this kind of History Channel/National Geographic show. It has always been and

Yea, but he stole the lampshades from Queen. He tries to pretend it was his idea, but we all know it wasn't.

I have always found the curvature of the breasts to be problematic. I would have gone with a more rigid shape, perhaps trapezoidal. That would be much less problematic. We need to get the people who make square watermelons working on that.

"This is 2013, there's nothing unusual about a gay couple. That being said, they are never ever on TV and it's totally different." Thank you writer, for proving that you're totally cool with the gays. 1000 progressive points to Griffyndor.

This is why we have shooting sprees in our schools.

They should get Pierce Brosnan to replace Daniel Craig in a very meta role-reversal.

"Could use less: Deadbeat male characters." Spend some time getting to know low income, inner city families and you'll see that it's hard to exaggerate how completely devoid of positive male role models the community is. I would be surprised to learn if 10% of the kids in my neighborhood have a positive male role

He's wearing Ron Paul underwear.

"Peddle To The Medal: Lance Armstrong's story of lying in a hospital bed to lying to the world."

The review really just needed to read as follows: "Arnold, guns, and 'asplosions. A+" That being said, I am looking forward to seeing what this director's got.