
Just like Gilliam's role on the TV show: "Terry, please make something that gets us from this point to this point".

Or Mulholland Drive. That love scene came out of nowhere, as did what happened with the characters and general tone of the movie after that.


It's your home town being awesome on the AV Club, no explanation needed.

Hell Hotel, Hell Shopping Mall and Hell Gods-expedition are quite popular among tourists (gods actually means goods/property).

Pray for death.

What string of flops? Even After Earth somehow managed to do decent, though disappointing, business.

It really does not need a sequel though.

I think it was inevitable anyway. In any case I heard a bad vocal coach helped fuck his voice up beyond repair.

Just to be technically correct, the best kind of correct, I believe Kirk and Cliff were the only ones who did drugs at all. Although Lars certainly seems like a guy who would do blow.

Justice was the third version of Ride the Lightning and One was the third version of Fade to Black. They're structurally practically identical. The album also wasn't nearly as good as Puppets.

That's the best answer I could have hoped for.

Neil Hamburger: "Why did the Taliban burn ten thousand copies of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon in a public square? Because it’s terrible" .

I gather this is your suicide letter, judging by the past tense.

That's what I was going to say, the Scandinavian model of social democracy is working very well for us. Frankly I don't understand why it hasn't caught on elsewhere.

Ugh, yes you do. I think we both misunderstood one another. I didn't mean to criticize you, just the people who gave a shit what teenage girls and whoever else thought.

"The band never liked Jason Newstead" - this is pretty damning on the rest of Metallica as he has been described as 'the nicest guy in rock'.

Songs like Bleeding Me, Outlaw Thorn, Hero of the Day, Mama Said and Fixxxer are legitimately great. Other than the fact that fans were not at all ready for them to turn into Rocktallica (neither was I at the time), the good material was buried among tons of filler due to the severely bloated running times of both

Psst: His/her comment currently has twice as many upvotes as downvotes, while it's the opposite for yours. I would lay low.

I rarely listen to the thrashy stuff anymore either, but I've found that Load and ReLoad, albums that I used to hate, actually have lots of great songs on them. There's a lot of crap too, but that's due to them insisting on making both albums about 80 minutes long. There's at least one, maybe two great 40-45 minute