
They share the same name because they both evolved from the same game. The version the rest of the world plays is about kicking a ball with your feet. That's all you need to know really, etymology bedamned. Nice attempt at getting football fans to employ words like "etymology" though.

He insisted on singing it himself in the new version.

She didn't pick Terminator Salvation.

They've talked for years about possibly doing a single scene reunion. Going from this article it seems like that might be what they're doing. A much better idea than a full episode, which Larry David has always vehemently opposed (as explained in Curb).

Nothing beats golden age Simpsons.

On a recent AVC article an RHCP fan commented that he had to put Kiedis' autobiography down about every other page to go "christ, what an asshole".

I will forever hate Kiedis for fucking up Mr. Bungle's final tour, the only full tour they ever had the chance to do, because of a brief decade old petty feud with Faith No More he started. He demanded that every festival worldwide they appeared on would ban them. Asshole.

Just to reiterate: Oh God no.

They ruined the character. Season 1 Pierce was a great.

Men also seem to change a lot between approximately 20-25. For adult women I'd say between 30-35, or possibly 35-40.

Gilligan said a while back it may be a prequel and a continuation, which I for one was very glad to hear.

Well, at least Harmon and Chevy had that "you and I are not so different" type of adversarial relationship. Harmon said they actually like each other, but are both big babies emotionally. Chevy was genuinely sad Harmon was fired according to him.

Maybe it's a Don't Do What Danny Don't Does type thing.

The year of the gas leak was season 4.

Seriously, what the hell? Even the official website only has it in 360p. Why would they do that?

Pardon, I'm drunk. In any case, Lynch did consider the character to be in his 20's.

Considering I don't really listen to Daft Punk I would say no. Great use of a not at all dumb meme though.

Kyle was 21 when the show started. I remember Lynch explaining Cooper's young age with him being a genius.

Even now there's something so awesome and in a weird way even even a bit chilling about that Stay-Puft marshmellow man. Way more effective than any of the other New York-wrecking monsters.