
Wrong. Malcolm was in the middle.

Not sure it's been mentioned yet in the comments, but "Catholic Easter Colours" by the Field Mice should be at the top of this list.If anything for the music which grows more and more upbeat as the lyrics get more and more depressing, finishing with a beautiful piano riff.

Not sure it's been mentioned yet in the comments, but "Catholic Easter Colours" by the Field Mice should be at the top of this list.If anything for the music which grows more and more upbeat as the lyrics get more and more depressing, finishing with a beautiful piano riff.

I recently started watching Skins UK for the first time and just finished season 4. I still wonder what Tony's up to and if Sid and Cassie ever did find each other, even when I'm hoping Cook put a hurtin on the guy who beat Freddie to death. What's lost in American TV is the idea of the show as a novel where the story

Things like reading that by age 24 Marr was done with The Smiths, or that Paul was 28 when the Beatles called it quits, makes the 35 year old me a bit depressed.

Lord o mighty JP Morgan had some babes running things back then. Google Terri Duhon if you don't believe me. Who's the naughty little banker who needs a spanking? She could swap my credit defaults any time.

Plus the guy is 44 years old! I still get him mixed up with Josh Hartnett who is a good 10 years younger than him. There's going to be a point where your Harrison Fords, Tommy Lee Jones, Russel Crowes, Denzels, and Mel Gibsons are out of the picture and Brolin will be slaying leading man roles. I just hope he doesn't

True, and especially signing his 'get out of here while you can' note to Winston with his jersey number from the Lakers. Probably not his idea, but kudos for him to go along with it.

Agreed. I'd rather it be one case, or criminal, that spans the entire season in both worlds. Between this and Alcatraz I feel the networks are playing it way too safe, almost as though a show as messy at Lost never existed (or became wildly successful).

I'm amazed at how much new territory this episode covered while delivering some great jokes and gags non-stop. The writers are definitely in the zone at this point.

Agreed.. he's got a great deadpan delivery and an awareness of how his height can lend itself to comedy. I'm hoping to see more of him and Napoli in future episodes, if even as a spin-off of New Girl with Winston doing double duty between both shows.

The only reason I can imagine to explain the production break is to give time for Cranston gain the necessary 100 lbs to play Fat Walter in the second half. I'm betting the house on this one.

You'd be making the same face too if you were shitting a devil.

It's like what's been written about what made foursomes, such as The Beatles, so successful — each member fills the role of mother, father, craftsman, and joker respectively.  Apparently when you get that mix right you get some great things.

I favorite part was Nick admitting/realizing that he's the guy that, when everyone wants to do something fun and spontaneous, he's the guy who stays back to watch their stuff. I like to see an insufferable black hole on tv every now and then.

From last week's Sam Neill interview it seems he also would like to drop the schlocky police procedural to focus more on what happened to the 63's and the mystery behind Alcatraz Island. I was happy to see all of the action taking place on the island in Ep. 8 since, you know, how often do you get to film a TV show

First thing I noticed too. Wtf?

Boner alert. That is not Chris Squire. Squire could fit Steve Howe in his blazer pocket and still rock the thunderstick while harmonizing with Jon Anderson.

Yeah that is the place. Mind you I've never set foot in there because I refuse to eat anywhere where I have to wait in line for an hour just to place an order. You can imagine how many places in PDX I've missed out on because of this. Slackers.

Do you think the band was intentionally playing too fast just to f*** with Axl? I swear I caught him shooting glares toward the drummer every time he only managed to get halfway through a verse.