
Ooooh…good point. Not that I noticed his absence while watching the episode (which should tell you how great it was). I have to assume he will play a role eventually.

Where the hell was Mike in this episode? Seems pretty convenient to leave him out of an episode where Jesse goes to Walt's place and Walt plants a car bomb on Fring's car while he's at the hospital. Mike would have been on that shit like white on rice-in.

Seconded. Lost went off the rails by season 3 while Breaking Bad continues to surprise, with a fraction of the cast members (and budget) of Lost. Just great writing, directing, and acting.

I remember, back in high school, when I was in a band and
we’d practice at our bass player’s house because his mom was cool and he lived
in a unit in the back yard. One day I showed up and knocked on the door. He
didn’t answer, and his mom wasn’t home, so I just let myself in. I was met with
this overpowering sound which

Mercury Rev
I saw them on the Lollapalooza tour sometime in the early 90's at the Shoreline Ampitheater in Mountain View, Ca. I hadn't heard any of their songs yet and went to see them on the crappy side stage because my friend liked them. I don't remember much about their set other than, after a few songs, they

is a hell of a drug.

The writing is annoying because it sounds less like the character speaking and more like the voice of the writer. Some writers can actually pull this off, so I think it has less to do with that trope and more to do with the fact Cody just seems to want to let everyone know how twee-cool she thinks she is.

Does it sound new?

Mighty Mighty Bosstones
I saw them at One Step Beyond in Santa Clara, Ca back in 1992 or 93. They hadn't really become popular outside of Boston yet, but they put on an awesome show so far away from their stomping ground and were probably the most friendly band I'd seen to that date. Dickie and the rest were just

Black Comics
I have to add the comedian/actor Sinbad to this list. While he might not rank among some of the other 27 names on this list, his career track in the 80's and 90's doesn't justify his sparse output in the 00's.

what makes a band work
About your ideas on what made the Mats click.. There are two schools of thought. First there is the "Two Good Looking Guys and Two Ugly Guys" rule.. but I don't know if you can apply that to them. Then there is the "Mother, Father, Crafstman, and Clown" school of thought. In every successful

After school zone out music
All of sophmore year in highschool was Vegas Throat by Barkmarket. Junior year was MBV's Loveless. Senior year, I graduated to Mercury Rev.

pm dawn
They tried to channel hip-hop through their earnest music geekishness with varying levels of success. It's pretty easy to see how many who listened didn't know what to make of them. I think they must have been bigger in Europe, if the shout out to Prince Be in that St. Etienne song mean anything.

music for a dark mood
Favorite bands to put on when I'm in a dark mood:

It's ok to hate him
I wouldn't worry too much about people hating on Taibbi hurting his feelings. Like any great thruth-teller, he doesn't care how you take what he says, only that it wakes you out of your complacency.

bad hair
Musicians have to have cool hair - espeically if you're the lead singer. If your hair looks ridiculous no one will think you're cool. Not even in an ironic way. If you're bald then go start a punk band or something. You have no business in the indie music biz. Sorry.

mercury rev
Mercury Rev's "Sudden Ray of Hope" is a song made even more narcotically amazing with the sax part that links the first and second parts of the song..


for the jilted
I love the guitars on this album and Gedge's voice is nice and bitter. I did get a bit worn down after about the 6th or so time he obsesses over the 'other' man his ex is seeing. It comes off as a bit childish/crazy.. but maybe that's the point. I've never listened to this album post-jilt but I have a