
But it's got giant LEGOs.

I fully expect "It's a Small World" to be torn down next because of all the "horrific racial stereotypes," nevermind its message of peace and unity.

It would be refreshing for the A.V. Club to actually say, "This is a silly over-reaction. It's just a cartoonish amusement park ride." But that's hoping for too much.

There WAS a Cyberlady on Torchwood, at least, but I don't recall her sexual orientation or if she survived.

I wonder if Moffat heard this criticism. At least initially, Capaldi's Doctor rejected the notion of his legendary and awe-inspiring status. "I'm just an idiot in a box," he said, or something like that. I guess he has been venerated a bit since, but it's nowhere near as sickening as it was during the Matt Smith

Yeah, that's what I mean. There was never a real opportunity. So to finally have it feasible and happen is a treat.

He didn't have agency! He just served Clara's story! :-D

Well, now I feel old.

But the ending of "Closing Time"…. ugh.

Ohhhh, nice catch!

Oh wow, whatever happened to her?

Big Finish, get on this!

The Doctor also said Jesus was black which is… most likely inaccurate. (Unless he just meant "not-white," which is quite certain if Jesus existed.)

It's very clear from the context that these are early Cybermen. That's all a viewer needs to know, and the history is just a bonus.

I was thinking, "Okay, they're REALLY proud of this fake-looking CGI ship…."

Cool idea, but a little close to Curse of the Fatal Death!

I'm hoping he'll flash through some previous Doctors. Bring back McGann, Tennant and Smith each for a few scenes! (You know Eccleston won't do it…)

The Master doesn't even look that much like he did when he was Harold Saxon….

At least Razor didn't call himself "John Masterson."

That was the best TARDIS ever. I'd love to see it inspire the next design.