
The show has never really explained that, to my knowledge. It makes it seem like Jack needs to defeat Aku in the future, but then still needs to return to the past to undue all of Aku's damage (based on his father's pleas). But wouldn't that cause a paradox? Perhaps the series ends with an immortal Jack returning to

But doesn't he also need to bartle Aku in the past?

I was sure this was the guy who plays Stewart on "The Big Bang Theory."

Doesn't Jack still need to go "back to the past?"

And Teri Copley was also married to the guy who played Vance Duke! Amazing!


The Doctor is a rare role that could be played by just about anyone. I look forward to the casting news, but honestly, I still think Capaldi is leaving way too soon.

Had the pleasure of seeing Charly Bliss live a few months ago. Had no idea who they were, and was surprised; they put on a great show. Catchy songs!

You got off the X-Files Train and got on the HO Train!

I'm excited!*

Hey, wouldn't it be great if this article inspired Grammer to write a lengthy, Victorian gentlemen-style takedown of Rabin in the New Yorker?

I love that there are still a mix of jokes that anyone could get, modern pop culture, and obscure, older pop culture that only the older viewers are likely to understand.

Especially with that boat photo they mentioned.

"Grammer’s memoir feels like it was written in artisanal ink with a quill pen, by a man wearing a Victorian velvet suit and sporting a monocle and toting an ivory-handled cane."

I get it; the focus had to be on the new cast. But the old cast was so sidelined - and will never be truly reunited again - that it makes me question how Abrams, a long-time Star Wars fan, didn't find a way to make that happen and please everyone. Abrams is sometimes weirdly robotic in his choices, missing character

Having Luke, Han and Leia in the same room together again seemed like such a no-brainier that I couldn't believe Abrams didn't deliver on it. And now it's too late. That will always seems like a strangely unfulfilled part of the Star Wars saga to me.

Is Vin Diesel's head just plastered on someone else in that photo?

Not bad, not really needed.

Finally saw this after it came out on Blu-Ray and… it's actually pretty good!

Finally saw this after it came out on Blu-Ray and… it's actually pretty good!