
I was hesitant to mention cats, but I personally believe that they also grieve. I think dog emotions mirror ours more closely, but it doesn't mean cats don't share them. I think they move on more quickly and perhaps have less of an understanding of loss. It bugs me when people think cats are totally aloof and only see

2017 could screw it up really easily and early, so don't get your hopes up too high.

Somehow his British accent sounds fake and he's British! Maybe he spoke fake American English for too long.

Weren't the first remastered versions of the Star Wars films that came out on VHS like that (a few years before the special editions), with the effects cleaned up but nothing substantial changed?

Philly also has more cheesesteaks.

201x just complains about everything.

Wow, I forgot he was on Highlander, and I watched that show religiously. Good memory! Free Enterprise would have been a nice credit to ask about, too. Fun but mostly forgotten movie.

Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years was a truly incredible show and well ahead of its time. It's a shame it only lasted a season in that form. It made me a fan of Eric McCormack, though, and I was surprised when he wasn't a late 1800's southern gentleman on Will & Grace. lol

Honestly, I expect 2017 to just continue in this fashion.

Jesus Christ.

Just speaking for myself here, but I'm glad we don't see the Doctor dropping a deuce.

Having your head ripped off and reattached can change a man.

Trust me, they feel sadness. They feel the same emotions as we do, just in a more basic way.

True, that could break the order we do have.

For a moment I got my wires crossed and thought this article was about Randy Quaid but I guess maybe there's little difference.

As others have said, not really. Dogs are hit hard by the loss of their loved ones, too.

Oh god, now that just crushed me.

It's so hard not to view 2016 as some cruel and malevolent entity. What else can we be mad at for taking away so many beloved icons?

I wonder if there would ever be a situation in which Trump ordered something unconscionable and, say, military leaders, would refuse to comply. Or do we always just do what we're told….

Yeah, that's true, hard to undo a nuclear war.