
Trump probably still thinks Napster is a thing.

Yeah, it's almost always Toll Bros.!

I'm sorry your summers were cold!

Just the term "McMansion" displays disdain. I've rarely heard anyone say anything good about them. I'm sure part of the frustration some have could be aimed more at the wealthy, especially those who display it in an intrusive, gaudy way.

You are so on the money. lol

For me, that would literally mean a space to store all my toys. Like Transformers and LEGO. Jesus, I probably could have afforded a McMansion if I hadn't spent so much on toys over the years.

Maybe you can take advantage of virtual rich idiots.

You stuck your hand in the toilet??

I'd like to see developments full of houses that looks like Easter Island heads.

I think he truly is haunted, sadly.

I definitely could see Kanye turning into Lady Winchester.

What is the real reason we hate McMansions so much?

The TV edit of "Christmas Vacation" goes so far as to edit out "Jack Daniels." Come on, now…

Nice knife twist in that last line. lol

That really blows. Sucks when the best you can say is at least they didn't fire you right on the spot and have security guide you on a walk of shame out the door without even being able to go back to your desk and gather your things.

Lack of Vitamin C: What, me Scurvy?

True, that site would constantly crash my browser. That and the articles becoming more click-baity instead of just funny soured me on Cracked.

Cracked.com has sort of evolved from snarky humor into clickbait articles that scream, "THIS IS OFFENSIVE AND YOU SHOULD FEEL LIKE A TERRIBLE PERSON FOR ENJOYING IT!!" Just now I realized I've gone from visiting that site every day to not at all. It's become a bit of a drag.

I have a cousin who is like 12 years older than me, and I spent a lot of time as a kid at his house while he was away at college. I was allowed to hang out in his room, where I discovered his cache of MAD Magazines (a lot of these being classic issues from the '70s). Thus my sense of humor was forged. I would also be

MAD still exists, and it is still a source of biting satire. I checked it out recently and was not disappointed.