
How about Chappie?

Michelle Gomez would be great if she already wasn't the kinda similar Master.

I just hope the robot has a cool, memorable design this time, unlike in the film.

As much as I agree with a lot of what Alex is saying, the argument seem to assume that everyone making decisions about Trump appearing on Fallon believes in the "correct" viewpoint that Trump is reprehensible and shouldn't be given a stage.

Oh no, Ted Danson now looks like Orville Redenbacher.

Yeah, life is just better if you eat more cookies.

SPACE PORT!!!! That took me back.

That was actually a fascinating article about something I never even thought of. Good work, A.V. Club!

I never expect people won't be able to get pissed off about something!

Ryan started the fire.

Catchy songs, even if you hate them, are in my mind by default better than boring, unmemorable songs.

No, LOL, but I will have to look that up.

I don't care, I love it.

That's my thought, too. Maybe Willis is already tentative about directors, and Smith quickly lost his trust.

The deterioration and restoration of that friendship seems to revolve around the presence of one Jennifer Garner.

Exactly. I got that feeling, too.

A character on the show wrote a really awful-sounding spec script for Star Trek.

He's the Highlander.

Oh, I have no problem with him living it up how he pleases.

It would be good if this movie went the path of the Batman '66 comics and introduced a couple of classic villains who never appeared on the original show, like Poison Ivy and Two-Face.