
TV shows need more video games in them. So much potential, so much neglect AKA Digital Estate Planning was way better than a B.

TV shows need more video games in them. So much potential, so much neglect AKA Digital Estate Planning was way better than a B.

This is hands down one of the best movies of all time

i was more trying to discuss the role the women are depicted as playing in the male characters' lives.

watching this episode, I increasingly believe the writers on tbbt can't handle writing for women. on paper the characters are equal: amy's smart, bernadette's smarter than her husband and penny's the most socially savy. But, amy and bernadette still seem very one dimensional a lot of the time despite being on the show

It seemed like, at the beginning of the show, everyone who was important was sick, implying Selina and all of her staff aren't. Also, Jonah wasn't sick, so he's not important. I think this was a telling episode about Jonah's place in the world, especially how quickly he reverted to sucking up to Selina.

that ending was a huge risk…i totally get why you don't like it. It wasn't hugely funny; i think that's why there were so many jokes in the background. The writers knew it wasn't laugh heavy, so they tried to make up for it. personally, I'm just happy they took the risk

It was good; there were some good allusions to DFW, especially the SS Nadir one. I also enjoyed the UI Writer's Workshop joke in Lisa's KidZone Elite or w/e it was. The upbeat message on the end was weird/cool, too. I think the Simpsons may have been attempting to execute the message/will of DFW's essay about TV, E