
My theory of The Real Housewives of [insert locale here] franchise is that it started as reaction to Desparate Housewives, believing the Terri Hatcher et al. show was actually a documentary.

"Have you ever been to the DMV? It's a leper colony there!"

Ah, but what isn't trash or offensive?

Like a few other folks here, I am at all not keen on the idea of the "jukebox musical" (Mama Mia showed that the concept was screwed up to begin with and Jersey Boys just pushed it further). On the other hand, one on The Smiths could be put - nay, slapped - together mostly out of spite (I can see it as a comedy).

And cats! Lots of cats!

The best one, though, is when Norm walked into Cheers all sullen and depressed and all the patrons welcomed him with a very subdued, "Norm?"

"How's the world treating you, Mr. Peterson?"
"It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear!"

And the painter who never finished Murphy's apartment.

Not to mention the constant barrage of girl's names that Dr. Cox would bestow on JD on Scrubs.


There was a stretch during "Late Night" in which Dave would either have a killer punchline or just complete the Top-10 List(TM) and then there would be circus line parade entering from stage left, marching past the desk, accompanied by some sort of march. The parades would start to get more and more bizarre, until

Jimmy Kimmel's constant apology to Matt Damon for bumping him off the show due to lack of time - until Damon took control of one episode, with Kimmel tied to a chair and gagged.

My theory of that useless Real Housewives of [insert locale here] franchise is that it started as a reaction to Desparate Housewives, believing that the Terri Hatcher et al. program was a documentary.

So here I am, late to this party (after all the liquor has been consumed, the good weed smoked, the mess cleaned up and everyone having moved on to the next party), but here are a few of my headscratchers (of which I apologize not at all):

(Actually she's Ukrainian.)

Jennifer Saunders (Absoloutely Fabulous) is married to Adrian Edmonson (The Young Ones) and each appeared in the other's show.

Yeah, and if you watch Jeopardy, Alex Trebek is notorious for that. If all of the contestants don't make a venture at a response, Alex would admonish them with, "Oh, you're all too young to know [Woodstock, e.g.]."

It's the unsolicited non-opinions from those who feel the need to voice it because they feel "left out of the loop." It's especially prevalent in almost any workplace.

One annoying cultural dealbreaker for me is dealing with people who kill conversations with, "I wouldn't know that" and give some sort of excuse why. Ex. 1: Something about, say, The Beatles will come up, and the other person will say, "I wouldn't know about that as it was before my time." Ex. 2: I will be wearing a

I'll just go down for a tuna sandwich… no, make that chicken salad sandwich (on rye) at Monk's, where the waitresses are well-endowed and my wife can get "the big salad". I am curious to check out Reggie's if Monk's is bit crowded (or I am in the outs with one of the servers). I'm not going to order the egg white