
Excuse me?

Excellent album. I'm going to say it's the only amazing album he made since Life Won't Wait. (2000, ymmv)

Great article! Am I the only one else in the mood to hear a children's choir version of Hyena now?

$8! I would have loved to grow up in a town with tickets that cheap.

pym particles dude. Mass goes to another dimension.

*too low

How are your nards?

Ugh.. This movie belongs in the Kangaroo Jack category of misleading trailers. It was a rainy sunny afternoon and a few of my housemates and I got high to go see the new Paul Rudd stoner comedy. Instead, (after the opening scene) we found ourselves faced with a sort-of-pleasant chick flick.

I definitely agreed with Handler when I first read Stuart Little. I remember being infuriated with that blackout ending.