Frankensteins Zombie

Just because truth serum doesn't exist hasn't stopped various government agencies from using it. In the forties the OSS used concentrated THC and seemed to be pleased with the results.

Exactly. It's great to watch an episode and discover later who the star was, the story doesn't get bogged down. That being said James Woods was one of the best guest stars ever. "For Chaplin I actually traveled in time, back to the twenties, where …well, I've said too much."

Nyuk yuck
Have we really gotten to the point of not only remaking movies, but remaking real people too? Who is next Dane Cook as Buster Keaton? At least he wouldn't be able to talk.

When he's in movies like Bringing out the dead, or Leaving Las Vegas he's a good lead because the characters are kind of weird, but when he's the lead in a blockbuster he can't pull off the heroic, romantic lead. Plus he never seems to take it seriously. I bet right now he's lying on a big pile of money thinking I

They still have some good jokes, but for the most part I feel like the show is talking down the audience. "Hey look, it's superfluous guest star of the week." It seems like they've started explaining jokes, which I find more irritating than a laugh track.

Where will our wacky adventures take us this week?
I feels weird to say this, but it seem like, since that behind the laughter episode, the characters have become too aware that they're on a tv show. They've become characatures of themselves, break the forth wall, and have to make a huge deal about any celebrity cameo