Sunny Cynicism

That breakup was one of the best I've ever seen on TV. It basically boiled down to:

Possible Spin-offs
One of the greatest things about The Wire and Treme is that both shows are loaded with absolutely fascinating characters, which gives viewers the opportunity to imagine strange combinations of characters that you could structure shitty network sitcoms around. For instance, after The Wire ended, my

Just wait until season 3, when it's revealed that Albert can transform into an actual Indian, Janette/Jacques/Davis/Annie start having ritualistic orgies, and it's revealed that the homicide cops aren't covering up murders, but instead are engaged in a secret war against the forces of darkness. Or whatever retarded

That weirded me out as well. If I remember correctly, Harley gave Sonny a white Danelteco, which is not the guitar in the montage. If memory serves, it wasn't one of Davis' or Harley's other guitars either. Maybe I'm mistaken, but after a few minutes of consideration, my theory is that the guitar is just another

I remember borrowing my friends MSCL dvds and reading the note about what Winnie wanted to do in the second season and thinking, "Sweet Drooly Julie, I'm so glad this show got cancelled before she turned it to shit."

I'll go ahead and echo Don Staples. Terriers was one amazing show, and I mourn it still.

@TymonDogg I never meant to imply that The Clash themselves or the song "White Riot" was racist. I'll just disregard your fuck you and answer this on its face. Look, I'm very aware that The Clash weren't a part of the British skinhead punk movement (for fuck's sake, I own a bootleg of their set at the Rock Against

Nelson is obviously going to end up the villain of this season. I remember going down to help with the clean up of Katrina and learning that we were just clearing the way for developers to bastardize neighborhoods and our entire team leaving in disgust. Nelson will come to embody that role as the season progresses.

My point was that it's obviously not the worst show on TV, it's just the most disappointing. And yes, I've stopped watching it in the way that I watch shows that I like. At this point, I just have it on in the background while I talk to my girlfriend out of the hope that it will do something to intrigue me, which it

Twin Peaks didn't reveal their killer until just before it was revealed on the show, so it's not unheard of. Most shows actually end up working that way. But the flaws of The Killing go far deeper than that, and this show was simply a misfire on all fronts. If the show is going to have a second season, it absolutely

I took that more as Davis trying to get Ace B into thinking about music as a political vessel. I mean, I love "White Riot," but it's also a song that's a little problematic if you sit down and think about it, and that goes for a lot of Strummer's songbook. He gave the guy Sandanista, for crissakes! I'm a fan of that

Antoine's slightly different in that he knows exactly what he wants to do, he just can't keep a band together to do it. This season is handling the life of a musician magnificently in following through on all these subtle threads.

AMC and Expectations
Like everyone, I entered into this series with high hopes. And like seemingly almost everyone here, I've been wildly disappointed by the show itself. It falls so short of its potential that I've begin to consider this the worst show on television. Is it the worst show on TV? Of course not. But at

What's amazing to me about this season…
is how much time it's devoting to musicians figuring out their artistic process. Between Del and Annie (and to an extent Davis, though in a way that's not as quietly fascinating), the show is spending an amazing amount of time just watching musicians figure out the music that

My biggest problem with the show isn't necessarily where it's going at the moment (though the producing and then immediately clearing red herrings routine is starting to grind a bit), but that it's beginning to seem like the show will be unable to end in a satisfying enough way to justify 13 hours worth of investment.