
Tell me about it.

Don't know what to make of it myself yet, but I'm really liking that the jazz influence is at the forefront. It took a few spins of good kid m.A.A.d city for the narrative to really sink in for me, so I'm withholding judgment for now.

U2 pretty much already started the last one with "Until the End of the World"


I actually made the "Yankee Doodle" connection, strangely enough couldn't get "dude" out of that, but guessed it anyway for the same reason.

Definitely nowhere close to equal odds for all contestants this week, particularly for Tuesday's game. Pam absolutely killed it; she's my second best bet from the 90s for performance in the rest of the tourney (Brad Rutter is more likely than not going to end up in the final)

The producers actively encourage buzzer-mashing at the audition, to the point that they actually have everyone do it for practice at the beginning of their mock games. I'm not sure it helps the contestants get the timing right so much as it makes the game look more competitive because you can see who's trying for each