
Say what you will about HipsterDBag, he has a healthy self-concept. I like people who can keep up a decent conversation after they've been called an asshole.


The Novel
I remember reading the book this movie is based on, which was some kind of big deal because the author was really young (I think 20).

If you order coffee at a Starbucks, the default you'll get is Pike's Place Roast, which tastes awful.

New game: name a subject that This American Life has not covered better than any reality TV show.

Agreed. I can't remember the last time the snippets of action and dialogue in a trailer for a movie of this kind felt so devoid of context or meaning.

I don't know, I'm always suckered in for an egg nog latte when the season rolls around.

Sorry. Between the two of you, you're 200% wrong.


I had a moment of future shock watching a "new 5 React Gum" commercial, where I thought how blown away someone transported from the past would be by these commonplace wonders. And the Quizno's kitten commercial came right after it. To remind me that there are also commonplace horrors.

Matt… Damon.
A few years ago, he told Conan O'Brien that he didn't see himself playing Bourne into his late thirties. I think it's more his vision of the character as a guy in his prime that causes his reluctance to keep the role for a fourth film. Similar to how James Marsters wouldn't play Spike again if you

Bats, thanks for the takedown. Helps me remember not everybody just accepts your opinion because you employ verbosity.

Can we just get Cookie_Monster in here instead? Everybody always says he influenced the vocal stylings of all of the bands we talk about. I want to hear his opinion.

You shot him! You shot him dead!

In Defense Of Tyra Banks,
I liked her social experiments.

What surviving nu-metal bands are there? Did any of them become decent at metalcore?

You've got a point, metal dude. I was all ready to brag how intense and inaccessible the music I listen to has become when I realized that probably the most extreme records I have (Gorgoroth, Cephalic Carnage, the above-mentioned AN), I bought over 4 years ago. Hit a slump there.

Additional chuckles arise from anachronisms. I am thinking of one character bragging about his 28k modem.

Arsenio, I'm there with you. 1995, when the eponymous album came out, was my freshman year. I went from hanging out with the book-nerd crowd to the even smaller, more over-the-grassy-knoll black-T-shirt crowd. It was actually me and three other dudes. Korn introduced us to a bunch of other pretty terrible music,

1999 was a fun year
Just out of high school, I spent the summer hanging out with my kid brother, who had started a band, and realized there was more to music than Nine Inch Nails and Tool. There was Refused. There was Meshuggah. There was Neurosis. And Strapping Young Lad.