
Making Carlton 50:50 Deaf/hearing does provide lots of fodder for the writers. But how sucky for the Deaf students. Originally they were fighting extension of the pilot program, now the result is even worse than they had feared prior to the school board meeting. It kind of made me wonder if the school board hadn't

I'm surprised to find myself saying that one of the most intriguing scenes this episode was when John was sitting in his office, overwhelmed by the fact that he was to be the next state senator. It was fascinating to see behind the bravado, a really raw deer-in-the-headlights moment. I'm glad the writers went there.

By the end of the episode, everyone (except Toby and Nikki) looked like they'd been through the ringer - the drawn faces of Regina, Daphne, Kathryn, Bay, so exhausted looking.

I really liked how Travis finally was freed from his "Angry Boy" box today. I liked that it was Melody who sat down with him and pointed out his strengths — being charming, inspiring, a leader. I didn't 100% believe it (at least, not from what we've seen so far on the show), but it was really nice to see him motivated

As an areligious person, I would love to see Toby explore his beliefs. We've had some hints that the Kennishes are at least marginally Christian, but there's a whole truckload of difference between saying grace before dinner and having your faith inform every action, a la Nikki. 
The writers do such a great job in

The sappy romantic in me really wants Bay and Emmett to get back together.  When towards the end of the first season, Emmett tells Bay "I will always come find you," my heart melted. He's the only person, real or imagined, I have ever found to be charming in his possessiveness (perhaps because it's 75% protectiveness).