Hilter. Hilter. HITLER.

Every time I see that picture of Skrillex I wonder why you're showing us Corey Feldman with a silly haircut

Every time I see that picture of Skrillex I wonder why you're showing us Corey Feldman with a silly haircut

DJ 1:  "Hey, want to go to the movies tonight?"

DJ 1:  "Hey, want to go to the movies tonight?"

Wait, this is the silent movie, right?

This was a fantastic piece.  Kudos, Mr D'Angelo.

in the beginning was the word

Wait,, there's a Ben's on MacDougal.

Wait, so you're telling me that's Ben's Pizzeria on Spring St?  He comes out of the W4th St subway on his way to the Comedy Cellar, which is on MacDougal St just around the corner.
Why would be walk all the way down to Spring St for half a slice?
And thinking about it, wouldn't the Cellar comp him some food?

can't do it

No No No

He's an odd one

Excellent point. I like your analytical mind. *tips hat*

Not good


Right on, Flavawheel. You speak the truth.

internet scripts

Incorrect; I am still right.

On top of which: If You're Feeling Sinister was recorded at Ca Va Studios in Glasgow, a very well appointed professional recording studio with a Neve mixing desk that likely cost more than the hovel you live in and your shitbox of a car PUT TOGETHER.
Why am I getting so worked up about this?
I said - GOOD DAY.

Kyle — IF THAT IS EVEN YOUR NAME — I do not misunderstand you. Computer recording only makes recording electronic music easier; recording acoustic guitars, trumpets, drums, and post-adolescent whinging mascarading as singing is no easier. You may have a better signal to noise ratio, but the skills necessary are still