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    "Ahh, yes. Balls and manliness are super-important to a dance track, how could I have forgotten? "

    "You can't dance to Over And Over?"

    I saw these guys described as "dance-rock"
    And I checked them out based on that two-word description alone.

    No way can it match up to the original
    My favorite part is the second chorus, where in succession, Bruce Springsteen, Kenny Loggins, Steve Perry and Daryl Hall sing their lines in the most over-the-top way as possible, and they all sound so ridiculously like themselves that it's almost self-parody. Let's see the new


    I understand and agree with the complaints about the butler, and let's not forget how easily Mary Jane falls in league with the Green Goblin's plot due only to very vague threats, which is a much bigger issue, in my opinion. And let's not forget how Peter Parker's revised backstory makes hash out of his motivation,

    I will defend Spider-Man 3 til the day I die
    Like "Superman Returns" and "Hulk," it's stuffed with enough bad ideas that I can grudgingly see why people don't like it, but goddamn if Emo Peter Parker dancing down the street to James Brown didn't put a big stupid smile on my face. Also, the action sequences are great,

    Don't like some of these songs? Fair enough. I don't like some of these songs. Don't like any of these songs? Then you probably have your head up your ass. And you can tell that you have your head up your ass if you say retarded things like:

    All you people who think all these songs suck
    Can kiss my ass. And all you people who say you know none of these songs: Unless you're suitably embarrassed about your cultural ignorance, kiss my ass too.

    I don't even like "Poker Face," but if you think it's one of those songs that's just going to fade away, you are sadly mistaken. You poor pathetic fools underestimate the power of pop music.

    Zack Snyder's adaptation knew the words and not the music. That's a cliche among movie reviewers, but it's the truth.

    Well, I'll give you this: Duplicity was a fuck of a lot better than Gilroy's previous directorial effort, which is on my shortlist of most hated films of all time.

    No, man, sorry, Duplicity was pretty not god. It really does not take a rocket scientist to guess every twist and turn (save some of the early ones, I guess). When I got out of there, I didn't feel like I had entirely wasted my time, I guess, but I did feel like it had been an ultimately pointless movie. It felt like

    You've got to be fucking kidding me.

    I sincerely hope we haven't seen the end of David Wallace
    No single character made the wackiness of The Office seem more plausible than that guy.

    Fucking WHAT?

    I sez
    The '45 version of Dorian Gray is fucking excellent — better than The Third Man.

    I really, really, really find anyone who is able to laugh off "The Butterfly Effect" a complete asshole. I mean, yeah, Kutcher trying to emote is distracting in some places, but fuck, man, it's a dark and heavy movie. If you think it's bad, hate it for not being able to justify the fact that it has scenes where a

    "Forgetting Sarah Marshall was the shit. If you can't appreciate you simply fail as a human. "

    An even worse version of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Fantastic.