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    I dunno
    This movie is really, really hamstrung by its desire to sell that which it satirizes (this was also a problem of the not-quite-as-bad-as-it-appeared "Alvin and the Chipmunks" movie). Half of the time this movie is on fucking point (when Alan Cumming tells the pilot to crash the plane and kill the boy band, he

    I don't even think that comparison is fair, because at least Anakin becomes Darth.

    Peter Parker before Spider-Man
    Ha, what a terrible idea for a movie. That's like making "Guevara before Che."

    "Napoleon has a very innocent and childlike view of, and frequently, fascination with the world. He likes the shit kids like: cool bikes, exotic (and imaginary) animals, badass shows of strength and skill, etc. He's also clearly pretty asexual, and is just looking for a little fun and diversion in a wasteland of both.

    I really don't get the people who claim they like this movie because they relate to Napoleon. Fuck, I relate to Napoleon. The MOVIE doesn't relate to Napoleon. As my local film critic so pithily put it, Napoleon Dynamite is Revenge of the Nerds without the revenge. Napoleon isn't some off-beat lovable loser, he's a

    Jann Wenner only controls the selection of the nominees. He doesn't control the vote. So in all likelihood, Wenner is trying is goddamn hardest to get the Stooges inducted.

    It's possible that she's not a student, but an auditor.

    Didn't like this movie much
    "There are air quotes around everything in Down With Love except the infectious joy at its core. "

    Well, I find it honestly convincing
    Convincing that she is pissed off about it at least. However, I also find it plausible that she did in fact sign off on it and simply doesn't remember it or understand what she did, or indeed, what she's doing right now.

    Okay, I'll try to be less vague about House of Games. The idea that it's "dark and gritty" eludes me. The settings all look like sets, the characters all move like actors, and that significantly undercuts any attempt at grit, not to mention my interest in the plot. The acting is so goddamn stiff, not just from Crouse

    I've seen "House of Games" and I thought it was atrocious. Just a terrible movie in all directions. If you've never, never seen a con movie before in your life, "House of Games" might do it for you.

    Starring Sandra Bullock as Amelie
    Manic Pixie Nightmare Woman is exactly it. It's a mind-blowing failure of casting for a role which shouldn't have existed to begin with. Who thought Sandra Bullock was the right person for this? And why??

    Jim Carrey sure likes playing amnesiacs.

    Right, I don't think I explained myself. The ending isn't meant as a celebration of The Rejects, it's meant as a condemnation of "Bonnie and Clyde." Bonnie and Clyde just wanted to be free to do what they wanted to do, but The Man wouldn't let them. So same with the Rejects. It's a blast at the whole outlaw mythos.

    Right, I realize that last year's Oscars were weak as shit. But when I made that statement, it sounded impressive, and it was true!

    I read a very spirited defense of that ending, and it's altered my perception not only of The Devil's Rejects, but also a lot of other movies. Of course they go out in a blaze of glory. Why shouldn't they? Because they killed and tortured innocent people? Whereas Bonnie and Clyde or The Wild Bunch were all such

    One great minor scene from Final Destination 3
    Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Final Girl and Final Guy are reminiscing about their significant others, killed in the first scene in the movie. Final Guy says about his late girlfriend, something like, you know, we were going to be married, we were going to be

    "Drag Me to Hell" crosses the line into "too goofy" for me. The opening sequence and ending sequence are so powerful I couldn't sleep the night after, but between them is so much yuk-yuk bullshit that I couldn't really give it a good rating. — there was a real sense that Raimi was distancing himself from the plotline,

    Final Destination 3 is one of my favorite horror movies of all time
    Crazy and silly enough to be enjoyable, but taken just seriously enough to keep it from being totally stupid. I don't understand the kind of person who can't enjoy that movie.

    Fossil firstie.
    And since no one will ever read this review, I don't even have to worry about dying in an AIDS.