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    I read it at age 25, and this topic immediately reminded me of it. I'm still close enough to my youth that I remember what it felt like, and I understand it all and I can relate. But I'm also far enough that I couldn't stop myself from constantly wanting to smack him (and, I guess, myself, by extension).

    "adults having serious arguments about which album is better than the other is, given the highly subjective nature of individual responses to music, utterly idiotic."

    No no no no no NO In Utero is complete shit, and any band or writer who deliberately releases something to become unpopular is a whiny loser who can immediately kiss my ass. Kurt Cobain wasn't a great punk rocker, he was a great pop songwriter, and "In Utero" divorces himself so much from his strengths that the whole

    She sure as fuck added more than the bland-as-shit new girl. Where will we now get that hilarious insanity? Can Karen Whatsherface do the hilarious face that Paula made when she was struggling to find something nice to say about a horrible performance? I'm disappointed.

    Man, I didn't realize how tedious Fox News-bashing had become until right now.

    Wong helmed the brilliant Final Destination 3, so I give him a pass.

    I thought she was quite charming and impressive in "Next," where she had to act physically attracted to Nicolas Cage.

    Rob Zombie
    I read an interesting take on that guy in The Devil's Rejects, that said that the target of Rob Zombie's ire was Rob Zombie himself — that it revealed him as a "self-hating cinephile". After all, he had to know all the facts that the critic knew in order to write the dialogue.

    The top tier of this year's Celebrity Dead Pool are all political celebrities: Ted Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Chemical Ali, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Robert Novak, etc. From the entertainment world, the first person (after obvious choice Patrick Swayze) is Zsa Zsa Gabor, then Art Linkletter.

    Yeah, that was the other Diaz role I was thinking of — Being John Malkovich. And hey, you know what, her debut role in The Mask is still the sexiest thing ever.

    (Not that this movie winning the weekend would have been all that better, mind you, let me clarify that right now. Never seeing this, never will.)

    "A career-best Cameron Diaz"
    Every now and then I can glimpse a real actress inside Cameron Diaz — Vanilla Sky, In Her Shoes (not Gangs of New York though). For some reason the thought of her being actually good makes me happy, like I can pretend there's some kind of meritocracy in the entertainment industry and

    Look up "There Will Be Brawl."

    Well, that's why I used the qualifier "almost" in the subject title.

    Paul Grenen = Paul Greengrass's

    "Can you really vouch for entertainment? "

    Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem is almost a good movie
    Yeah, you heard me, I'm defending AvP2. I might be the only person to do so, and I don't care. But I thought it was legitimately shocking movie. For one, it is by far the most brutal of either franchise, even surpassing "Alien" by leaps and bounds. The other thing is

    Well, Clueless One, judging by the grades, Mandy Moore is mediocre plumbing, and Elvis Costello is below-mediocre philosophy.

    Not really, as there is no analogue for John Wayne, before or since. Russell Crowe probably works better than Harrison Ford, though.

    Favorite scene
    I love when John Wayne is bullying Stewart around until Jimmy just has enough and walks up to him and fucking decks him. Wayne just sells it, like he can't fucking believe that even just happened. He's got the Whuhhhhh? face down pat.