
Ah, there's that thing critics falsely accused Community of being.

A friend and I accidentally got trapped in our campus library after closing - we were watching a movie in one of the study rooms and somehow totally missed the "go away please" chimes and announcements. Eventually someone from the maintenance staff came in and let us out.

Same. Sorry, Kentucky.

I'm genuinely sad it took that long. I remember talking about him with a (liberal, Michigan) friend in 2014 who said he liked Christie because he "speaks his mind." The fact that the contents of his mind are trash never entered into it, I guess, and somehow he managed to carve an image for himself as a reasonable

Good. NJ is one of those states that switches up the party of their governor all the time, so I was willing to believe Christie wouldn't be total crap, then he promptly stopped construction on the Hudson rail tunnel and I knew: yep, giant turd. Still can't believe he got a second term.

Can someone just leave bags of flaming dog shit on his porch and claim they can't be held responsible?

Just to add a low-psychology set of alternatives: Sometimes dumb mechanical stuff can help - I've started going to the gym three times a week for 45 minutes on the treadmill (uphill, fairly fast). Not because I want to lose weight or be a good runner - I just do it because it's medicine. And I can watch shows on

Maybe they're pretending to live in a world where those papers show an iota of decency in hopes of bringing that world about.

Can we somehow convince Peter Thiel that Kelly has personally insulted him?

I mean, presumably the age limits were enacted to prevent kids from being married off even younger.

The fact that the women have to ask permission to leave the apartments smells a bit like unlawful imprisonment, but who can say.

I used to be an enormous, raging Doctor Who fan, and that's kind of…faded through Moffat's run, to the point where I still haven't seen any of last season. (I put that on Moffat and the non-guest writers, not on any of the wonderful actors.) My feelings about Chibnall taking over amount to a shrug.

It was Terry Pratchett for me. And I probably would have shed a few for Amy Winehouse but someone who was in the room with me when I found out looked at my face and said, in tones of greatest contempt, "Are you crying?", so I didn't.

Verizon's customer service was pretty decent when I had them. Comcast's is just massively, colossally incompetent unless you can get past the level I folks.

That's one part of the joy of American Ninja Warrior. Jessie Graff is delightful.

Because in the insanely egomaniacal minds of executives, it's not enough that you acquired something great; you have to put your own stamp on it so you can claim the greatness is due to YOU YOU ONLY YOU.

Oh, they've had a few of those contestants, and they never last past the first few rounds.

I imagine SAG rules would prevent her from doing it for free, but she could work for scale if she believes in the project.

I've thought about that argument, and I've decided that being really good at a shitty thing is still…doing a shitty thing.

Nope! Luckily for me, I got a childhood with the originals, and now I'm an adult who can watch R-rated films and skip this nonsense.