
It's because the fucking primaries started over a year before the fucking election, and yes, I'm still bitter about that. OVER A YEAR of non-stop political ads on my TV, since I'm in a media market that spans three states.

Aaagh what I'd give for a nice movie rental place. My library's collection isn't bad, but I don't live in the biggest town. I should probably go back to my Netflix DVD subscription, but it doesn't have the same spontaneity.

That pun was made in…I want to say Younger? They have a bunch of literary pun cocktails.

Because there isn't a "lock ladies up and make them wear nun oufits" strain of romantic thinking the way there's romantic thinking about the Confederacy. Commenters above discussed Hollywood's history with sympathetic Confederate soldiers and evil rapist Union soldiers - the Lost Cause myth is real, and it's

No it isn't. We've had over 200 years with only one civil war; that's really not bad in world history terms. It's the interpretation of the Constitution - the First Amendment isn't an absolute, and it's always been weighed against other things. There's the classic "shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded theater" example

It's called the Lost Cause myth, and it's been going on pretty much since the war ended.

Because only the lunatic fringe romanticizes the actual Nazi regime. The U.S. doesn't have a Nazi Gone With the Wind or Lost Causer myth. We have those for the Confederacy. That's the difference.

Nah, I'm fine with judging. You can't put out advertising and then dictate my reaction to it. "You can only judge this show if you like it! If you don't like it then you shouldn't judge!" Bullshit. I haven't seen one indication this won't be one more link in a long chain of Lost Causer bullshit. I'm sure it'll be

You know, this whole thing had me thinking about The Man in the High Castle, and while I refuse to watch that one too, it's pretty easy for me to say why it doesn't dig at me like Confederate does: only the lunatic fringe romanticizes the Nazi regime. There's no Nazi Gone with the Wind, at least not in the U.S. But

Lolll. Yeah, I just want "lovey-dovey" shows. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm sick of the Lost Causer fantasy, which, btw, has been ongoing pretty much since Appomattox. "What if the South won" isn't some "disruptive" idea they came up with; it's a cliche, and a painfully stupid one at that.

Or people might just hate it. Amazon's Lost Causer tribute disappeared without a trace.

If the reason the scene "required" that is because movies don't tend to put headgear on the face of lead characters: that's idiotic. In a superhero movie you can give the character a distinctive, brightly colored helmet so we all know exactly who she is.

Maybe a Best Choreography award that can go to either a fight or dance movie?

Attorneys do have discretion to decide on legal strategy in whatever case they're assigned; any time a lawyer uses the "she was slut" argument in a sexual assault trial it's because they chose it. I guess that as defense arguments go, the "she didn't react" one is…comparatively harmless? I mean, it's so plainly dumb

Yeah, that's the point where you go from "giant dummy" to outright malicious fraud.

**looks** Huh, that's right where I live. Not that I know I'll still be living here in 7 years, but it's pretty funny I'm travelling hundreds of miles to see this one, under the circumstances.

No, they're the ones profiting off the fake glasses. (Seriously, who the fuck does that?)

Yeah, that's exactly why I stopped listening to Top 40 radio in high school. Any song that's halfway decent will get overplayed to the point of idiocy.

It's funny what ends up being a breaking point and what doesn't. I mean, 95% of the television I watch has some problem or another and I keep watching, but after all the crap with Cee-Lo drugging a woman's drunk I had to stop listening to St. Elsewhere, an album I adore, because ugh, how can I hear "Necromancer" and

RIP, you excellent toothpaste.