
Better yet, we say a "fool-tool" or a "happy-hooter".

Winnie the Pooh
Winnipeg represent

Wire locations
David Simon don't like people exposing his locations

Popper's Penguins
My friend's dad is a sort of penguin-liason and was hired to bring all the penguins from Antarctica for this movie. We got to go hang out on the set in Brooklyn.

Jim O'Rourke's
album of the same name is named after this film.

Closing credits music
The creepiest closing credits music in this episode, like a killer carnival that abducts children.

Mayor of Winnipeg
I covered the mayoral election in Winnipeg, and that kid-kickin' incumbent mayor won himself a third term.

Jimmy's suit
That grey wool number Jimmy had on this episode was pretty boss.

And so, [Creighton Bernette], in accordance with what we think
your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your mortal remains to the bosom of the Mississippi, which you loved so well.

John Swartzwelder
All 6 of his novels autographed plus doubles of The Time Machine Did It!

I want my hands on those promised reissues for 2010.

Live action Futurama adaptation
If ever such a thing were created, I would cast Lance Reddick, aka Cedric Daniels, as Barbados Slim. Ever seen him with his shirt off on The Wire? He'd be perfect!