Basil Wrathbone


To the U talkin U2 to Me fan who is trying to kill Bono: stop it. The t-shirts will get there bro.

Lin. Shaye.

Police Squad was way better though. Airplane II had its moments. Shaving during the crash landing with the after shave gag at the end…

…and Cornell Woolrich sits on a bench looking for a fella to share a drink and a pair of shoes.

Buggery not Huggery.

My post traumatic radio career syndrome just triggered. Fuck that song. I'd rather pull a twelve hour board shift on Christmas during a weather emergency with nothing but Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer programmed than hear that song again.

Gillian Jacobs told Garry Marshall that PFT would never be back.

Two words: puppet capaldi

Found a few of his appearances on Letterman's old show uploaded to YouTube - I saw most of those the night they originally aired and I had forgotten how funny he was.

You shoulda seen the thermos. Had that lunchbox in 2nd grade.

Presumably he wanted to splurge and get a more expensive murder package else he would have kept it in the band. I hope no ones feeling were hurt.

U2 is going to be in the same building as SNL. Scott/U2 SNL…So close, yet so far.

just find this man a gurney.

Hetfield will storm out due to a perceived slight from the horse before the Monday night show is over. Tuesday they'll perform as a trio. Wednesday Lars won't show because he needs time to reflect upon sharing the stage with a robot skeleton. Thursday Hammett will show but will spend the entire taping back stage

Shoulda got Bono.

Tell that to the bunny in the pot.

I see that argument a lot and agree with you. I don't see the possibility of naval blockade brought up very often although I believe the navy at least got to the planning stage. It is a brutally effective tactic that has brought larger nations to their knees. The U.S. has clear air superiority by that time leaving

I went with Shelby Foote on the first pass.

I learned about this movie from MASH.