Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

@Bucky Sinclair: Agreed. I liked your Hard Day's Night reference! Now if we could only work in some allusions to "aeolian cadences" or "SUB-scribers," that'll make this perfect.

Ben Folds obviously likes The Transformed Man. So do I, actually! Michael Stipe is entitled to his opinion of The Beatles.

Hey, Fast Zombie: you've heard Beatallica, right? They do Beatles covers in the style of Metallica, and they dig horror movies.

The bass guitar sound of "Helter Skelter" isn't awful, but it could've been better. However, listen to the bass on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." Macca definitely needed a new set. (Of strings… I don't mean like set theory or something.)

Glad to find so much love for LOVE. Great album!

I'm Gen-X. My favorite band is The Beatles. One of my parents liked The Beatles; the other had probably heard of them but basically did not acknowledge their significance. Neither parent's stance on the all-important issue of whether The Beatles are the greatest thing ever (hint: yes) influenced my own conclusion.

As a nerdishly obsessed Beatles fan, I'll just say that a) I don't agree with 99.99% of the criticisms that are leveled at the group; b) people are entitled to their opinions, especially at the AV Club; I mean, this is the "Pkill Multi-User Dungeon" of discussion boards. AV Clubbers are *expected* to be contentious.

Atene (or facsimile thereof) Strikes Back
(Begin Brian Atene impression)

Eneg Is Gene Backwards Or Something
I thought it was excessive when that one guy slapped Yeoman Rand on the bottom. That was really uncalled-for.

Brian Barker: Am I correct to assume that you speak Esperanto?

@gg_pan: thanks! You are right about what the "creepy" shot is.

Commentary Tracks Of The Gosh-Darned
Unfortunate that although the… *term* "Commentary Tracks Of The Damned," emphasis on "damned," has seldom been used more literally, the… Onion… A… V… staff downplay the film's fine qualities.

Half the quadrant knows it. That's why they're learning to speak Esperanto.

"Uhheeeehhhh…. creepy."
"Uhheeeehhhh…. creepy." — William Shatner, from his commentary track on Incubus, at about 0:34:40


@haysoos: My irony meter just went three points into the red, so I realize that you may be joking about the Pluto issue. Even so:

I (probably) stand corrected. I didn't see the episode(s) where they went to a terrestrial polar region, either Arctic or Ant~. I didn't know that she'd seen Trek 2009 without them. I was probably wrong to assume that her "Kobayashi Maru" reference was to Wrath Of Khan rather than to Trek-Oh-Nine.

Well, I thought it was pretty darned great…
"How about that Gorn sitting on the couch?" *and* a guest spot from Neil DeGrasse Tyson *and* Penny (of all people) referencing The Wrath Of Khan…? Awesome! I give it an A- .

Frakkin' Doctors: How Do They Work?
Re: ""If your hero is a doctor, it's not a stretch that he'll see a patient or two or that he'll drive a car around or talk to people or maybe even have a drug addiction or be a werewolf."" Classic! :-)