Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

@ edked re: " "I still say I want to hear Shatner do covers of these." "

Baltar. (The James Callis version.)

re: ESPN message boards:

Mick Fleetwood
Fun fact: imdb.com credits Mick Fleetwood (drummer for Fleetwood Mac) as one of the Antedian dignitaries in "Manhunt."

Plakson is great—
Plakson is great in this episode. Too bad what happened to the character, and—back when I was younger—I was surprised that they were allowed to broadcast something so gruesome.

And… I either meant to sound ironic when I said that it WOULD be mistaken for BSG, or I omitted a negation (such as NEVER).

Should say, I'm half-WATCHING it since it's still on. Darned AV Club, always distracting me. Sigh.

They have to have the fella who played Socinus do a guest spot
' 'Everybody's a good guy or a bad guy, never both.' ' This will definitely be mistaken for Battlestar Galactica… ! I sort of half-watched The Bridge, and I'd say that Aaron Douglas is the only really great thing about it.

Mike Nelson is the first host I saw (though I was dimly aware of Joel's existence, I think), so—seeing the material out-of-order—I thought of Mike as the "main" host, although I know, and knew perfectly well at the time, that this was not factually correct.

To see this film is my current obsession. Rebney is so awesome that I have difficulty thinking about anything else than finally watching Winnebago Man. Even the invisible blonde Cylon woman in my head has suggested that I "… lighten up on the Rebney talk for once because it's starting to sound a

This may be at a higher resolution:

I've known a few people who have complained about "Tapestry," but I think it's great. "All Good Things… " is so good that it retrospectively justifies the existence of "Encounter With A Pointless Fart," or whatever the first episode was called.

@ Klugarsh re: ""Madchen Amick is hotter now than she was 20 years ago, which sounds impossible but is, in actuality, scientific fact.""

Boston Med
Denny Crane.

Has anyone else watched the Twin Peaks Gold Box DVD bonus items where David Lynch calls her "Madge-Kin"?

@ TheNerdDilettante re: OS X's spell check recognizes "technobabble" as a legitimate word: you probably do the same thing that I do, which is to create longer entries in TextEdit.app and then copy them over to here. Am I correct?

I think that "The First Duty" *is* a great episode. I think that "The Royale" is good. "The Royale" is haunting not because of the main action but because of where your mind goes: aspects that have been pointed out here, such as how the unfortunate astronaut spent his days, and how the fake characters inhabiting

Whoever wins… we all lose.

Whew! :-)

The Royale
"The Royale" is the only one of the three that I've re-watched in the last ~20 years, and I gather that I was more impressed than you were by the peril that the episode places the characters in. I will now adopt my Kevin Riley voice and mention Noble Willingham… ONE… MORE… TIME!!