Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

Yeah, Kaufman's version is great most of the way through, but then it ends with They Might Be Giants' "Lie Still, Little Bottle."

@ Felt Pelt:

Got my book today, ready to participate.

Huh—my wrong impression may pertain to a version that was broadcast in German (*dubbed* in German) in the 1970s or 1980s. Where did I get this impression? One of the Best Of Trek books I have somewhere around here, no doubt.

Frank Sidebottom and Exotic Beatles
I remember the name "Frank Sidebottom" from the credits on one of the Exotic Beatles compilations. I don't remember which track he did, but I'm sure that—since these *are* the Exotic Beatles albums, after all—it was appropriately weird. If memory serves, the cover of that

I Actually Liked The Movie Better, But—
I actually liked the movie better, but it's been ~20 years since I read the book. The movie does lack one thing, though (if I recall correctly): the great part in the book where the stoner puts hinges on stereo gear in the belief that doing so will make it "fold up" or

**SHRUG** I saw it on a matinee.

Frak—I missed this one. (And my username even has Baltar in it.) I never was confused about the fact that the roles are played by different actors, but their voices *are* very similar.

@ Jean-Luc:
Yeah, Kirk is understandably devastated at the end of "City On The Edge," and Shatner speaks "Let's get the hell out of here" perfectly. Once again, I'm of the "apples-and-oranges" school of thought w/r/t Shatner and Stewart.

@ Cid: Is it true that, in German, the part in the episode "Charlie X" where Kirk tells Charlie that he shouldn't swat Yeoman Rand on the bottom was dubbed so that Kirk instead tells him that he should not swat her on the *shoulder*?

@ Jean-Luc, mainly:

I'll copy-edit your entries for you if you like. I'm good at proofreading. Just a suggestion, naturally. :-)

@ Bad Horse re: 2 different remarks:
Shatner vs. Stewart: Patrick Stewart is the better *technician*, Shatner is the better *entertainer*. It's not a case of right vs. wrong, but more a case of right in a particular way vs. right in another way.

@ Bob K re: ''Now I wanna see Riker trading shots with Colonel Tigh. Maybe throw in the Pegasus' old XO and original Tigh so they can see Irish songs in 4-part harmony.''

@ tragically ludicrous not ludicrously tragic re: ''Didn't TNG compensate by giving the Enterprise what were essentially pie tins for shields?''

I offer another vote in praise of "Yesteryear." I'm a few months late, but perhaps the Guardian Of Forever will send my comment back in time and paste it into the thread.

I kind of like this show…
I've seen only two episodes, and those were on Hulu. I heard that James Callis, best known as Gaius Baltar, would show up at the end of one particular episode, so I watched. After watching *another* episode (wow—I must be pretty dedicated!), I've concluded that it's a good program, and that

I appreciate Muppet choreographers on a much deeper level than you. (Not *you* personally… I'm just quoting from The Normal Onion again.)

As Baltar, I still have to apologize for saying "no more Mr. Nice Gaius!" so I won't construct a neo-BSG joke for which the punchline is "Thrace In Space."

Re: Eddie Murphy in Star Trek IV: Eddie is a Trekkie, Eddie is a talented guy, and was (IIRC… I was a teenager back then) at the height of his popularity at/ around that time, in various media (he had pop singles too). Murphy more recently had a "Spock Jenkins" riff in his film "Boomerang" in which he and a woman