Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

At a ST convention circa Summer 1992, Ronald D. Moore was onstage, narrating on a slideshow and answering audience questions. When the screen behind him showed a photo from (probably) the TNG episode "Brothers," Moore said something like, "And this is France, where everyone speaks with an English accent. Do you want

Arsenal Of Freedom/ Symbiosis/ Skin Of Evil
I haven't watched "Arsenal Of Freedom" or "Symbiosis" since they came out. "Skin Of Evil" is my favorite of the three, and I remember thinking that Tasha's death in "Skin Of Evil" was like Gan's death in Blakes 7 (I was big on British SF as early as high school, yes). I

The Little Man From Another Place had this to say about Commander Sela:

HAL and Highlander
Serious answer:
I'd also choose HAL 9000's death from 2001: A Space Odyssey. (Someone beat me to posting about this.) Agreed re: the "Hey Jude" intro from Royal Tenenbaums; the Grand Central Station sequence from Fisher King; Harry Lime's speech from The Third Man.

Okay, This Time—
Okay, this time, I'm unironic, I'm straightforward, and I am being sincere. I hope he doesn't die.

@ tea farty re: Robot roll call!

Finally, a Martin Scorsese/ Beatles crossover
Finally, a Martin Scorsese/ Beatles crossover.

I'm glad Nimoy was not replaced!

Heh—the subgenres almost inevitably sound the same to someone not interested in them (e.g. the different kinds of jazz such as bebop and rebop and Bo Peep… OR WHATEVER). Meyer is a great writer/ director, though.

@ Badfuzzy re the "Chuck Norris Facts"-ish remark:

I'm missing a word or two somewhere: for the last line, read "I don't even know if there were LEGOs…"

Generic career advice for anyone who plays a character who could plausibly be played by someone else without causing a continuity break: Don't press your luck and ask for too much money. You can (and probably will) be replaced.

@ Jimmy James re: … "I Hate You," the punk song from Star Trek IV:

I don't think the episode is great, but I find plenty of common ground: yes, it was a missed opportunity. Given my attitude toward the episode, I'd call it a double missed opportunity since they missed the opportunity to make a great episode in the first place, and then to capitalize on it later.

I will now share the three-stage action plan I have developed for any potential encounter with Seven Of Nine:

The DVD of Yellow Sub has a reconstituted "Hey Bulldog" sequence with a many-headed "cerberus"-type bulldog, IIRC.

Chris Pine
If Lindsay Lohan enjoyed working with Chris Pine in whatever movie it was that the two of them were in, maybe they should team up for Star Trek 13: The Return Of The Wrath Of Space Seed, in which she could play Lt. Marla McGivers. I know quite a few Trekkies who would cheer for the Ceti Eels. Me, I don't

Basically an A+, except…
Criminally underrated—and not a betrayal of the book, but an improvement on it. Would be an A+ if not for a few of the songs on the soundtrack which have not worn well. The Kate Bush/ Peter Gabriel stuff is good, and Scott Cossu's "Shepherd's Song" is great (it's an instrumental, but it has

A+, despite the fact—
A+, despite the fact that a British penny wouldn't fit into the pistol's barrel as Christian Bale's character implied that it could (the concern *would* be understandable if such a thing could happen… but it can't). The Prestige is on a short list of films that I think are better than the

Yeah, I like The Decemberists a lot, but mainly their recent prog-rock records. That one album review that called The Crane Wife "the best Jethro Tull album since Heavy Horses" wasn't far off. It's mainly The Decemberists' earlier material—which I enjoy, but not as much—that some people label as "twee" and