Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

I Sure Hope Amy Winehouse's Book…
… isn't a scratch-and-sniff. Eww.

@ Rebney's great: you're welcome! My good deed for the day. Almost makes up for my giving the planetary defense codes to the Cylons and making fun of Bret Michaels (the lead singer of Poison). Rebney is my #2 favorite internet celebrity (#1 is Brian Atene). My Rebney fandom has escalated to such a Trekkie level

Evidently, consuming large quantities of Responsibilityuns works even better.

How true. Romulan Ale, Tranya, and Saurian Brandy are so 23rd century.

I'd like to construct a joke for which the punchline is "… it's green," which is a reference to the delightfully bad TOS episode "By Any Other Name," but nothing's coming to me—maybe because green isn't the same thing as blue.

That song by Insane Clown Posse gets my vote for Worst Song Ever.

Romulan Ale
Sometimes we see these Onion AV Club articles that are very similar to actual Onion articles. I wonder if PG-rated movies lead to the consumption of Romulan Ale. Romulan Ale Linked to the Life Of James T. Kirk Flashing Before Dying Trekkie's Eyes Just Before Wacky Afterlife Mixup, Says Study For

Saul makes Burke from Aliens look as wholesome as a sippy-cup of 2% milk riding in the happy trolley from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Speaking of, they've gotta get Paul Reiser a recurring role on Breaking Bad; if there's a continuing schism between Walt and Jesse, one of them (Walt, I'd guess) will probably retain

Breaking Bad oughtta have the Coen Brothers guest-direct an episode or two (for all I know, maybe that's happened already).

Loved The Star Trek Reference
Loved the sleazy lawyer's Star Trek reference. The episode would have been even better if Jesse had quoted from Jack Rebney, the Winnebago Man: "This is my domicile and I will not be harassed by these goddamned flies and the ferns and the docks—bitch!"

I'm an Onion reader. Ferengi rule of acquisition #65,535: It never hurts to quote from The Onion.

Data's "summarize" function reminds me of the E.B. White story, IRTNOG, from 1938. I was able to find it by Googling; I dunno about the copyright status, so I won't post a link. It's a very short science fiction story along the lines of Kornbluth or one of Asimov's many shorter works.

All good points. In response I'd say that her behavior was NOT like kicking a puppy, since puppies presumably have emotions. Data, prior to the installation of the emotion chip, didn't have these qualities: he would, if I recall correctly, respond to the taunts with some variation on "does not compute." The

That's good to know. If Bret survives this ordeal, I'd like for him to play the character of The God Warrior next. I definitely don't want to come off as more of a jerk that I already have w/r/t Bret Michaels (see my other posts on this subject). However, I have never been able to force myself to watch even a

Glad to know that there are some other fans of "Royale" out there—defenders of "Royale," even.

Understood. I'll certainly try. Not everything provokes schadenfreude from me; we'll see if I can say something funny yet also NICE once in a while.

I wish I were better at this. Then I could write about how (for instance) John Denver had sunshine on his shoulders at the time of his plane crash. W/r/t/ Bret Michaels, it seems that some song of his (or theirs, meaning his band) played in the background during some of the worst years of my life. As with news

I like Pulaski. Not hot and redheaded like Beverly, but she was never intended to bring teh hotness (misspelling intentional). The McCoy/ Spock dynamic mapped onto the Pulaski/ Data dynamic. Who do you think would win in a fight between Dr. House and Dr. Pulaski? Answer: Optimus Prime.

Get Well, Bret! (That's Not Intended Srsly.)
Bret Michaels has suffered a brain hemorrhage? That's medically impossible. I mean, that's like a bacterium having hangnails on its antlers. Sing along: "Ehhhh-vvv'ry poser… merits scorn." (I consider this to be a better song parody than the other one. But then