Ringo Tiberius Baltar IV

No, but I'll reassure you that missing "Conspiracy" isn't so bad since the gross-outs are very nearly all it has going for it (munchin' on mealworms; guy's head blows up; etc.). I remember sort of liking this episode when I was a teenager. Character actor Michael Berryman has a guest spot as "Captain Rixx." Too bad

(replying to myself here) — or did Agony Booth just do Classic Trek? It's been a while.

@ Cattivo: the AV Club reviews ARE enjoyable, no doubt. And there are always plenty of cruel articles from Agony Booth and Wil Wheaton to fall back on when I need a TNG-related meanness fix.

Don't give too much credit to Brannon Braga! I hope you actually mean Ronald D. Moore and (the late) Michael Piller.
About this discussion in general, and Roddenberry's optimism/ utopianism: drama thrives on conflict. That is a fact. The Greeks knew it (stentorian "God-reverb" voice: LONG BEFORE YOUR, uh,

@Zack: Yes, "The Royale" is the hotel episode. Regarding your (perceived) leniency, I meant that (in my opinion… and how humble can my opinion possibly be since I'm Baltar) you should REALLY BE TERRIBLY SCATHING instead of just critical… I mean, F Minuses all the way… but then again, I suppose that AV Club isn't

First I get to speak fake German: I… your milkshake… drink! I… it… upgedrink!

You're Being Too Leninent
These reviews should be more harsh! TNG got great in Season 3, and I even liked some of the earlier episodes (such as season 2's "The Royale," which nobody else liked, and which will probably get a D- from the AV Club), but most of early TNG is an embarrassment. Even that title, "The

Vulcan Salutes for Leonard Nimoy

Of all the things someone could pretend about Lindsay Lohan—
Of all the things someone could pretend about Lindsay Lohan, this one shows the least imagination and creativity. I mean, there are "at least seven scenarios" the descriptions of which would include the phrase, "… owner of a successful carpet-cleaning

Do you know what would be cool? A parody of 1980s/ 1990s Chia Pet TV commercials in which the voice-over goes "G-G-G-Gia" (juh-juh-juh, not guh-guh-guh) as the time-lapse shows the supermodel Gia becoming progressively infirm and not pretty. I thought of that years ago. Nobody liked the idea back then, either.

I am not fond of Courtney Love.
I am not fond of Courtney Love. The blond women in my mind are all Cylons.

I personally believe that Stephen Baldwin is a worthless piece of shit…
I personally believe that Stephen Baldwin is a worthless piece of shit. But then again, I'm definitely not God, I'm just Baltar.

"Think For Yourself" etc.
"Think For Yourself"—that's a song title, not a demand. (From Rubber Soul by The Beatles)
"The Nile Song" and "Ibiza Bar," both from (The) Pink Floyd's More

Interesting, But I Wouldn't Rate It So Highly
Caprica is good, and I'll definitely keep watching, but I think the A-minus rating is a bit high. I hope this show lasts, but I fear that it won't; Caprica has the potential to become as bewildering as Twin Peaks and neo-BSG put together. Mainstream audiences probably

Semi-Random Observation
''Meanwhile, the idea of programs outliving their creators takes on a more metaphorical meaning for Joe Adama, who finds himself enacting his "father to Tamara" program long after Tamara's been blown up. He drives to her school to pick her up, and sets a place for her at dinner.''

Jimmy James, you're awesome! That's a great quiz. In the allotted 10 minutes, I scored 16/25. The 'results' page says that I scored at the 90th percentile.

I'm not a sports fan, being a walking SF database and not a walking sports database, but I'm aware that the Seahawks lose just about every game they play.

"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" isn't terrible, but it's as (un-)subtle as a truckload full of sledgehammers. Will I re-use that comparison when the AV Club review of "Battlefield" is posted? I certainly plan to.

I'm definitely not a fan of "Mark Of Gideon," but I understand one of the motives behind making this episode: budget. They re-used the Enterprise sets. Trek doesn't need to be plausible all the time, but COME ON. A bunch of starving people on an overpopulated planet with dwindling resources are somehow able to

No Flowers For Caprica?
I think that the A-minus rating given here is a tad high, but I have hope for Caprica.